Commissioners proclaim April as Child Abuse Prevention Month

WAYNESBURG — The Greene County Commissioners recently proclaimed the month of April 2018 as Child Abuse Prevention Month.
The proclamation recognizes that child abuse, in its many forms, is a growing family tragedy in Greene County and victimizes many of our children each year. It is the leading cause of placement out of the home into substitute care.
“Our office investigated or assessed 1,287 incidents with 772 families and 1,499 children from April 2017 to April 2018,” said Michelle Howard, Children and Youth (CYS) casework supervisor.
Child abuse is a tragedy of the worst kind, causing lasting damage to a child and society. Many organizations and individuals work together to convey a message of care and concern to communities and families that need help.
Stacey Courtwright, CYS director, recognized and thanked kingship caregivers.
Commissioner Blair Zimmerman also expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the staff, board members and kinship providers on behalf of the board of commissioners.