Local students named to IUP dean’s list
The following students from Greene County have been named to the fall 2017 dean’s list at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Students achieve dean’s list status when they are full-time (12 or more credits) with a grade point average of 3.25 or higher.
Dean’s list students, their hometowns, majors and degrees they are seeking are:
Carmichaels: William Christopher McAfee, B.S. in nursing; Cassandra Lynn Swartz, B.A. in art/studio.
Greensboro: Andrea Renne Glisan, B.S. in nutrition/culinary dietetics.
Waynesburg: Josey Mae Evans, B.S. in safety, health and environmental applied sciences; Trisdyn Rayna Lapping, B.S. in finance; Hunter M. Sargent, B.S. in computer science/software engineering; Emily Grace Shultz, B.S. Ed. in early childhood and special education.