American Legion Post 330 contributes to 4-H safety program

Members of the James Farrell American Legion Post 330 of Waynesburg recently presented a monetary donation to Christina Becker, 4-H Extension educator and safety day coordinator, in support of Progressive Agriculture Safety Days.
Progressive Agriculture Safety Day is a one-day program for third-grade Greene County students conducted annually since 2008. More than 350 students from five county school districts will attend the program during May at the Greene County Fairgrounds.
At Safety Day, hands-on lessons engage the participants at different stations to learn about safe practices related to fire, food, traffic, wildlife, bike and water. Presentations are also provided by safety professionals and emergency vehicles are on display.
Each student attending Safety Day receives a bag full of helpful information and safety items including a home smoke detector. The items in the take-home bag are donated to the program or purchased with donated funds.
Businesses or individuals interested in contributing donations or funds toward the Progressive Agriculture Safety Day may contact Christina at 724-627-3745 or Sponsorship recognition is available.