Waynesburg to host annual CSI camp
The Department of Chemistry and Forensic Science at Waynesburg University will host its annual summer Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Camp Sunday, June 17, through Friday, June 22, on the university’s main campus.
The camp is open to current high school sophomores, juniors and seniors.
The registration fee of $500 includes all meals, housing and activity materials for the six-day camp. The deadline to register is May 7. Students may also apply for a scholarship to help defray the full registration cost.
The scholarship deadline is April 9. To register or to apply for a scholarship, visit www.waynesburg.edu/csi-camp.
“Our CSI camp provides an irreplaceable hands-on experience for high school students interested in careers in forensic science and criminal justice,” said Faith Musko, instructor of forensic science, in a release recently issued by the university. “The goal for our attendees is to arm them with the knowledge and experience to make a more informed decision regarding future careers in forensics and law enforcement.”
The camp offers students the opportunity to learn from professionals in the field, such as officers from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, the Pennsylvania State Police Department and the Allegheny County Coroner’s Office, among others.
Camp sessions will include crime scene processing, forensic drug analysis, fundamentals of fingerprinting and bloodstain pattern analysis, among other subject-specific activities.
Waynesburg students who are currently forensic science or criminal justice administration majors assist at the camp by mentoring participating students.
“The structure of the camp has attendees working in teams mentored by current Waynesburg University forensic science and criminal justice students,” added Musko. “Approximately 25 percent of attendees from camp have become Waynesburg students and eventual camp staff members. This is a testament to the impact the camp leaves on the attendees, as well as the ‘pay it forward’ culture we work so hard to cultivate here at Waynesburg.”
For more information, contact Bob Barnhart, admissions counselor, at rdbarnha@waynesburg.edu or 724-852-3346.