
Waynesburg Sportsmen’s Association to present Youth Fishing Day

By Dave Zuchowski, For The Greene County Messenger 6 min read
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WAYNESBURG – On opening day of trout fishing season, April 14, young anglers and their parent or family member need not head out to a crowded local fishing hole to try their luck.

They can take advantage of Youth Fishing Day at the one-acre pond stocked by the Waynesburg Sportsmen’s Association, located at 190 Rolling Meadows Road in Waynesburg.

“Our pond is stocked with trout, bass, catfish and blue gills,” said Chris Clark, vice-president of the association and cubmaster for Post 1280 in Waynesburg. “We stock trout twice a year – in the spring and fall – and just put in some nine- to 16-inchers in preparation for the event. We also stock catfish in the summer.”

The event is open free of charge to youngsters up to the age of 15 who will not need a license to fish. What they will need is an adult to accompany them, who will need a license to fish but will not be charged a fishing fee.

Picnic foods, snack and beverages will be provided by the Association free of charge.

The pond will be open for fishing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., but a catch-and-release policy will be in effect through the noon hour. After that, those fishing can keep and take home a combination of three fish of any species.

During the day, Waynesburg Cub Scout Troop 1280 will be signing on new members in grades 1 through 5. Those who do sign on will be given a free fishing pole and tackle kit. Bait, however, will not be provided. The annual Cub Scout membership fee is $33.

Cub Pack 1280 had become stagnant in recent years, and an effort to resuscitate it began last fall with the circulation of flyers at the local schools. Sign-ups began in November and the first meetings were held in January. The pack meets every Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Waynesburg VFW Post 4793 Social Hall, located at 445 E. Lincoln Street.

“We’re looking to expand the pack with new members,” Clark said. “As summer approaches, we will be doing more activities like going to summer camp and Wild Things and West Virginia Black Bears baseball games.”

Pack 1280 will attend Cub Scout Day Camp at Camp Anawanna Monday, June 25 through Wednesday, June 27. The camp is located at 155 Plumsock Road in Amity.

According to the camp website, Cub Scout Day Camp is three days of exciting fun, exciting program activities and adventure at a location close to home with no overnight stay. Day Camp is an introductory outdoor program for Tigers, Cub Scouts, and Webelos with little camping experience. Programs are run by highly trained volunteers and are inspected and accredited annually by the Laurel Highlands Council.

The 2018 summer theme, the Transcontinental Railroad, will run throughout the daily program of challenge, adventure, creativity, and learning. Both daytime and evening “twilight” camp opportunities are available. Scouts, families, dens, and packs can attend any camp that fits their schedule provided they have the required adult leadership. They are also welcome to attend more than one day camp as each one is a little different.

Outings to see a Black Bears game in Morgantown may include a sleep-over on the playing field with food and a film screened on the Jumbotron, followed by breakfast in the morning.

The ages for Cub Scouts are:

n Kindergarten: Lion (This becomes an official Cub Scout rank/program for the 2018-2019 Scouting Year).

n Seven years old and/or first grade: Tiger.

n Eight years old and/or second grade: Wolf.

n Nine years old and/or third grade: Bear.

n 10-11 years old and/or fourth-fifth grade: Webelos (This stands for “We’ll Be Loyal Scouts” as boys this age are preparing to transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts).

Youths can join Boy Scouts when they turn 11 years old (10 years old if they have completed Arrow of Light which is a rank in the Webelos program of Cub Scouts).

Recently, the National Boy Scouts of America Board of Directors unanimously approved a motion to welcome girls into its iconic Cub Scout program and to deliver a Scouting program for older girls that will enable them to advance and earn the highest rank of Eagle Scout.

The historic decision comes after years of receiving requests from families and girls. The organization as a whole evaluated the results of numerous research efforts, gaining input from current members and leaders, as well as parents and girls who’ve never been involved in scouting – to understand how to offer families an important additional choice in meeting the character development needs of all their children.

Starting in the 2018 program year, families can choose to sign up their sons and daughters for Cub Scouts. Adults are also able to join as volunteer members.

Clark had been a Cub Scout as a boy, and when his seven-year-old son Christian brought home a flyer from school announcing the recruitment drive and showed enthusiasm for joining, Clark decided to get involved as well.

“Christian has a love of camping and the outdoors, and we both signed on as members,” Clark said.

The Cubmaster also said that some of the scout activities can be done at home with family such as bird identification and a “one-foot hike,” in which cubs can identify the living things (plants, insects, hoof and paw prints) found in a one-foot square plot of land.

Last year, about 30 youths showed up with their parents and families for Youth Fishing Day and the Association is planning on making it an annual event.

Adults can join the Waynesburg Sportsmen’s Association on the Youth Fishing Day. Membership is $50 for the calendar year and covers the entire immediate family. The Association’s website is or Facebook at

“The Waynesburg Sportsmen’s Association, Inc. always seeks to provide outdoor and sporting opportunities to the community,” Clark said.

Organizations interested in utilizing WSA facilities should contact President Jerry Howard at 724-984-2422, or Vice President Chris Clark at or 724-998-2211.


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