CGSD Board of Directors shares good news during meeting

The Central Greene School District Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 15, was short and sweet. The directors opened the doors of the District Office Board Room at 6:30 p.m. and adjourned the session before 7 p.m.
The 20-minute meeting had its fair share of good news. Board president Beth Hellems started by congratulating the school district’s volleyball and girls and boys soccer teams for making the playoffs.
Hellems also announced CGSD came in 4th place at the 7th Annual Central Greene Scholarship Trust’s (CGST) Trivia Contest. The event took place Saturday, Oct. 12, at the Central Greene High School Cafeteria. Although the placement didn’t give the school any money, she said it was still a success.
The board president also mentioned that Greene County Career & Technology Center administrative director Matt Krupa will be recognized as SKILLS Director of the year at the Western Region Leadership Conference, which takes place Nov. 7 at Seven Springs.
The board approved a Cooperative Sports Sponsorship Agreement with Southeastern Greene School District to jointly sponsor Varsity Wrestling with Central Greene serving as the host district. High School Principal and Athletic Director Bob Stephenson explained SGSD will send one student to participate in the team and that the agreement doesn’t affect the school’s PIAA classification. Central Greene currently competes in the AAA division.
Stephenson was accompanied by Kathryn Keller, Graphic Arts and Computer Aided Drafting teacher, and students Avery McConville and Brandon Tretinik, who are part of the Engineering and Graphic Arts Club.
McConville and Tretinik showed the board of directors the project they created alongside classmates Michael Chambers and Keira Frqua for Waynesburg University’s Entrepreneurial Hub for Innovative Ventures and Endeavors (eHIVE) “Something from Nothing” Innovation Challenge.
The students built a windmill using plastic bags and wood. Tretinik explained the piece created enough kinetic energy to charge a cell phone. The team won first place in the Fan Favorite category for their project and each student received a $100 cash prize for the achievement.
Stephenson thanked Superintendent Helen McCracken for supporting the team’s participation in the event. The Waynesburg Central High School Engineering and Graphic Arts club was recently approved by the board.