Volunteer fire companies receive $5,000

Greene County commissioners announced that each of the county’s 16 volunteer fire companies is receiving $5,000 in grant funding.
The announcement was made during the commissioners’ regular meeting on Oct. 24. The annual funding is earmarked through the county’s Volunteer Fire Company Grant Fund.
“These grants are well-deserved,” said Commissioner Dave Coder. “Every Greene County resident should be grateful for what our volunteer fire companies do for us.”
The following volunteer fire companies will receive the funding: Bobtown; Carmichaels-Cumberland; Center Township; Clarksville; Crucible; Graysville; Greensboro; Jefferson; Morris Township; Mount Morris; Nemacolin; New Freeport; Rices Landing; Richhill Township; Wayne Township; and Waynesburg-Franklin Township.
“Each and every one of our fire companies are comprised of hard-working men and women who are dedicated to serving their respective communities,” said Commissioner Blair Zimmerman. “We thank them for their services and contributions, and we are more than happy to announce these grants.”
Commissioner Archie Trader said approving the grant funding every year to the volunteer fire companies “is an honor for us, because of all that they have done, and continue to do, for every one of us.”