The path of least resistance
All things considered normal, if you open up a water valve, water flows out of it because there is pressure behind it, and it will follow the path of least resistance, which is to go where it is released to because there is nothing holding it back, like a valve or regulator. And it will flow depending on the buildup surge behind that valve, or however much that valve is opened. The same principle applies to gas, air or electrical current.
How much released is also dependent on how long it is opened. A small spray on the floor may not do much harm, but an open line flowing full force for a while could devastate a house with consequent flooding. This physical reality also parallels a spiritual principle in that sin also follows the Path of least resistance. God warned Cain about this in Genesis 4:6-7
Sin is always ready to come to and through you. Since it also follows the path of least resistance, what holds back, or valves off the flow in your life? What valves. Or releases have been opened? Maybe a little, or a lot? What valve in your life is closed off to (some) sin? What enticements, temptations are you immune to? What breaks through quite easily?
We are all different and some things have overwhelming appeal to some, and others are indifferent to the same issue. Why do some succumb to certain addictions? Why aren’t all of us greedy, porn watchers, liars, bigots, or abusers? Each of us must beware of what seeks to overtake our souls and bind us to itself.
When someone opens the door, valve, or gives in to harmful spiritual behavior, what should be our response. Galatians 6:1. This is Grace with accountability. And a warning shot that “There go I but for the Grace of God.” (John Bradford?) What are some keys to being able to resist, or shut the valve off against sin?
First off, we must resist, or put effort against what seeks to harm us. Seek help from trusted experienced mature people. Be reminded that God is in the healing and restoration business. Look at the Apostle Peter and King David.
But you can’t be resistant to opposing things. You will orient yourself or discipline yourself to one or the other. Example: Do we resist prayer to God? Do we resist any type of devotions of Scripture? Are we closed off to wholesome things, fellowship with church, giving of our Time, Energy or Money?
Which door are we opening? Sin that lies in wait, Gen 6:1 or , ” Behold I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him and sup with him, and he with me, ” Rev 3:20. There are 2 at the door, one is sin, the other is God. Which do you let in?
When we find ourselves at odds with ourselves, the internal and eternal conflict within, we are forced to make choices. We all have watched some poor souls self-destruct because they let sin into their lives. All the while, God is wanting and willing to be the alternative. But do we have the door closed? Is the valve to God (partially) shut? Are we letting enough of God through us that it resembles a small leak? Hardly noticeable?
If we would follow a Path of least resistance to God, the Path of least resistance to sin would be closed off. Saving us and the world around us a whole lot of trouble! If we would do the things we should do, the things we shouldn’t do we wouldn’t. Do the dos, and the dont’ s will take care of themselves. (Originator unknown) As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. The more we open to the things of God, kindness, consideration, gratitude, holiness, marital fidelity, a charitable spirit, and spiritual disciplines, the less inroads the Devil, sin and our own sinful nature will have in controlling and influencing us.
Romans 12:2 NIV “Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.”