I want to race with horses
Jeremiah 12:5 NIV reads, “If you have raced with men on foot, and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan (River)? Here is what this means: If you can’t handle that, (men) how can you handle this (horses)? If you can’t handle yourself in an easy situation (safe country), what makes you think you can handle something harder (thickets)?
If you can’t handle normal and ordinary experiences, how can you be expected to cope with extraordinary circumstances? God won’t promote you, take you further, deeper, or to the next level, if you can’t handle “normalcy.” How will you handle the abnormal? You will not be promoted in God’s kingdom past your point of failure!
Overcome this, and you can move on to that. How is it possible to endure the big things when the hot water tank goes, and it becomes the end of the world? Or someone raises their voice at you and you’re so offended you won’t go outside for a week? Or you get a cold and complain unmercifully betraying your actions if you had cancer.
What happens when you become “worn out?” All tired people become apathetic, or unconcerned when we get worn out. But this isn’t about the physical. The spiritual reality is one of weakness, being out of shape for the moment at hand. When we can’t even walk up the steps (spiritually speaking) without our breath being taken away, an honest evaluation of the (spiritual) shape we’re in needs done.
Do small troubles take the wind out of our sails? Do normal disagreements and conflicts of life have us gasping for air? Do we consistently make mountains out of molehills? Here are some notes for thinking people: Before you decide on a spouse, please look at how that person handles life’s ups and downs. If they can’t handle life as a single, maybe marriage with its resident difficulties isn’t for them, and you.
If you can’t get out of bed to get to work on time or are besieged by doing a few extra things at work, don’t expect to get the promotion. If you can’t run with the big dogs, stay on the porch. If you can’t be trusted in doing the little things, you won’t get the opportunity to do the big things, with commensurate reward. Matt 25:21
If you want to go to the next level in your spirituality, deeper, expansive, you must venture into harder territory. Who can race with horses? Those in shape, with endurance, willing to sweat, put out effort and pay a price for becoming better. Aggressive, forceful, determined people take Heaven by effort. Matt 11:12. By willpower, by prayer, by steadfast spirits, and in Jesus’ name.
The training may come about by prayer and fasting, forgiving those who are against you and seeking no ill will toward them, by the giving of your finances, sticking to Gods’ word even if it means being opposed, and refusing to sin no matter the social pressures. Safe country is normal living. It’s easy to get by in a supportive environment when everyone is on the same page, but when you stumble in safe country it’s obvious that you are careless in your walk/travels.
The thickets represent obstacles, and painful ones at that. Getting cut and wounded as you make your way through but persevering anyway. Your pursuit must be more thoughtful and the travel path more cautious. To make headway or forward momentum, requires much more skill, thought, and effort. Your actions become more intentional and purposeful.
Sometimes the people who complain they can’t go further just don’t want to, and use life as an excuse not to get deeper with God. Discouragement, and disappointment are all things we need to get past. We’ve all been wounded. In relationships, work, loss, health, and we need to get through the thickets.
Now get up and walk. No! Get up and run. Horses present a big challenge, and are we ready to prove ourselves? I believe that we can race with horses and travel through the thickets with God’s help.