Teens share hopes for new year

As we look forward to 2025, I am honored to share some teens’ New Year’s resolutions. I began this tradition in 2005, the first year I wrote the column Ask Mary Jo, and I am pleased to offer young people’s voices again.
Astrid, 17: I want to be true and honest with myself. I want to work on doing things for me and that make me happy. I love giving and helping others, but this year it has been a challenge to take care of others and try to take care of me. No more putting myself on the back burner, as my grandma would say.
Aujalae, 17: I plan to have sauerkraut and kielbasa, it is told that having this or any kind of pork for dinner will grant you good luck for the entire year.
Car’Liyah, 17: In 2025, I would like to take better care of my health.
Ele, 15: I’d like to get my grades up more.
Irre, 16: This year I want to make new friends and get closer to my old friends.
Isabella, 15: In the new year I plan to eat healthy and start working out.
Isaiah H, 13: I want to learn how to jump on my unicycle.
Isaiah W, 18: My New Year’s resolution is to be me and be free.
Layla, 13: I plan to be less forgetful.
Kaiden, 16: I resolve to get my grades up.
Sarah, 16: I would like to advance in my German language learning and speak up more.
Vincent, 18: (Realistically) – May I be patient to unlearn impatience; may I unlearn shame so unapologetically that others may feel free to do the same. I want to be okay, and I want to stop wanting so much and live in the moment (that’s so cheesy, I know). Unrealistically, I want to be a cool wizard, but a man can only dream.
Anonymous, 14: I almost didn’t write this, and I don’t want my name on it because I hate it when I make a resolution and don’t follow through on it. But my plan is to start being kinder to others, especially people who get on my nerves, like my grandpa always tells me to be. I’d like to be more like him. He’s kind to everyone.
Anonymous, 14: For 2025, I’d like to get my mom and dad to talk nice with each other again. I know getting them back together isn’t gonna happen, but I’d at least like them to stop fighting. I figure they liked each other once, so maybe they could be friends.
Have a question? Send it to Dr. Mary Jo Podgurski’s email podmj@healthyteens.com.