

Tackling tough topic of death with kids

Q. I overheard my mom and my uncle talking. I wasn’t supposed to be there. They said this may be the last Christmas we’ll have with my grandma. She must be really sick. Since I heard them, I can’t think of anything else. My grandma is the best person I know. No one else makes me feel so ...

Part-time job teaches valuable lessons

Q. Please help me talk my mom into letting me get a job. My grades are good. I have as many friends as I want. She says I need to play sports. I don’t want to play sports at all. I played when I was little because she made me, but sports aren’t for me. She also says I don’t need money. ...

Teens share words of thanks

Since my first year of writing Ask Mary Jo, I’ve dedicated the Thanksgiving column to teens’ words. These expressions of gratitude are from teens at our Common Ground Teen Center. I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday! Aujalae 17: I am thankful for many things, but one thing mostly ...

Teen frustrated by mom’s overprotectiveness

Q. I feel like my mom gives me mixed signals. She wants me to be popular, to the point where she tries to oversee how I dress and asks me detailed questions about my friends, like who did I sit with at lunch and what was our conversation? I like school and my grades are good, but she mostly ...

Moving past differences after election

Q. You know how you always ask if we want to do high point, low point? I almost always pass. I don’t like talking in front of other people. But I remember this one time you said we could always write to you if something was bothering us. Well, my low point right now is huge. So I’m writing. ...

Q. I’m reacting badly to my parents’ divorce. I thought they loved each other. I thought they loved me. As an only, I’ve had their full attention all my life. They’ve been good parents. So many memories of holidays and vacations and trips, and of just hanging out at home. A lot of my ...