Deter ‘skimmers’
Dear Heloise: Instead of debit, credit or cash when buying gas, we use GAS CREDIT CARDS (Heloise here: This reader is writing in response to a previous column regarding “skimmers” at gas pumps stealing personal information). We have three or four credit cards from a few companies. They can be used only at the gas stations, so if they are skimmed, they are limited to those companies only. Also, the limits usually are low. I realize some people might not want more credit cards, but if stolen, there would be less damage. — A Reader, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Heloise: I have several health problems. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and sat there looking at all the other people in the waiting room holding these bags of medications. I started thinking, and what I started doing was taking a picture of my medications and printing it out. That way, the doctor can see what it is and also the dosage without me having to bring all of it in each time. — Darrell J. in Alabama
Darrell, how smart, and what a timesaving and hassle-saving hint to share! Many folks today have a LOT of medications, usually from several different doctors. When you do take the photo, be sure that the printing is legible. — Heloise
P.S.: I keep a list of my medication and my husband David’s on the computer. It’s easy to update if something changes. It is in my wallet, just in case.
Dear Heloise: My husband and I love to travel to different countries. Sometimes we are uncertain about the quality or safety of the water from the bathroom faucet. I use the coffeepot in the room to boil water. When cool, we use it to brush our teeth and even to drink. — Janie M. in New York
Dear Heloise: This is a hint for using the heavy-duty, free, six-section carriers for wine bottles found in grocery stores.
I am a knitter and often have several items on my needles. I put skeins of yarn, making sure it is coming out the top middle, in several sections. If knitting from a 1-pound skein, I cut a divider to make it larger and add my knitting.
In one section I put my pencil holder, which contains my ruler, sets of double-pointed needles, a crochet hook, tapestry needles, spacer rings, etc. In other sections go a bottle of water; sunglasses; patterns; notepaper; and a fabric ring used for keys on a small bungee. — Joan H. in Arizona
Dear Heloise: Ohio winters afford more opportunities to wear sweaters, but I hate it when I’m working in the kitchen with long sleeves. I cut the tops off my husband’s old crew-top socks and slip one over the top of each cuff. No more pushing the sleeves up just to have them get stretched out and fall down again and again. — Virginia D., Warren, Ohio
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.