Pine nuts come from pine cones
Dear Heloise: When dining recently, I had a dish with PINE NUTS. When I looked for them in the grocery store, I noticed how pricey they are. Why are they so expensive, and do they come from actual pine trees? — Charlotte W. in Indiana
Yes, Charlotte, they really come from the pine cones of a pine tree! The seeds (yes, they are seeds, NOT nuts) are inside the cones. This is why they are not cheap — it takes a lot of effort to get these tasty little nuggets to market! The cones are harvested, dried and processed so the “scales” (sort of like pulling off the leaves of an artichoke) come open and the seeds can be removed.
Pine nuts have a very sweet and nutty flavor. They are used in pesto sauces, added to cookies and other baking items, or tossed in salads. Usually they are heated and roasted to bring out their flavor. Do store them in the refrigerator. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I am looking for your mother’s Olive Nut Dip recipe. How can I get a copy? — Jay D., via email
Hey, Jay, all you had to do was ask! This recipe for Heloise’s Olive Nut Dip or Spread is one of the most-asked-for Heloise recipes! I remember as a child sneaking some to put on crackers for an afternoon snack. With the holiday season here, you can make this and keep it in the refrigerator (hidden, if needed!) for quick sandwiches or as a dip for veggies and chips. Gather the following ingredients:
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
½ cup real mayonnaise
½ cup pecans, chopped
1 cup sliced or chopped green “salad” olives (See P.S.)
2 tablespoons juice from the olive jar
Dash of pepper
Mix the ingredients until blended and smooth, then refrigerate for at least an hour or two. It is so easy to make, and so yummy! This is just one of many family recipes included in my All-Time Favorite Recipes pamphlet. To order one, please send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (70 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Recipes, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. For added flavor, try adding some finely chopped jalapenos, a dash of hot sauce or some garlic black pepper to the recipe. — Heloise
P.S.: Salad olives are bits and pieces of green olives, and they are cheaper than whole or sliced green olives. Oh, you can use black olives if you prefer, but then you might need to add a dash of salt for taste.
Dear Heloise: When washing my face in the evening, I put the stopper in the sink. When done, I add a squirt of soap and wash out the sink. A quick rinse, and it stays clean all the time. — Deni A., Midland, Texas