
Pass the time

3 min read

Dear Readers: The big TRAVEL SEASON is here, and that means time spent waiting in line or sitting on a train, plane or bus, or in a car. My late father (Mike Cruse, 1920-2006) would always save small-size magazines, ideal for “pass the time” reading, to take along — lightweight, and you can leave them behind on the plane or train for others, or in the sitting area for someone else to use.

I still do the same, and give them to flight attendants and other passengers if they want them. — Heloise


Dear Readers: Want a fun and cute way to show that Santa has visited your home? Using an old pair of slippers, place them on the floor, sprinkle baking soda over them, and then move to a new spot to make footprints.

Go from the fireplace to the Christmas tree — Santa footprints! Afterward, just vacuum up the baking soda, and the carpet (or floor) will smell fresh. Baking soda is one of my favorite household helpers; it works everywhere while cleaning and deodorizing. I have compiled a pamphlet of my favorite money-saving uses. If you would like to receive a copy, send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (70 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Baking Soda, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX, 78279-5001. Don’t forget to keep a box of baking soda handy in the kitchen to scrub the sink, sprinkle onto burned gunk in a pan (just cover with water) and to use in baking, of course! — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I am a tour guide and got this idea from someone at a tourist attraction. She suggested it after an elderly client got lost on a tour, but works with small children, too.

Every morning, take a cellphone picture of the person in the clothes he or she is wearing for the day. If someone wanders away, a picture, as they say, is worth a thousand words. In addition to providing information to those in the area, the picture can be sent to law enforcement, if necessary.

After you are settled for the night, delete the picture and take a new one the next morning. — Eileen F., Rapid City, S.D.


Dear Heloise: To safely store smaller knives and kitchen shears in the drawer, slip them into an empty paper-towel core. I fold over the end and seal it with tape. Makes reaching into the drawer less dangerous. — A.R., via email


Dear Heloise: When changing comforters each season, if you find that one that was stored away has become wrinkled, put it on the bed. With your steam iron, simply iron the wrinkles right out. Be careful of the iron settings. — Roberta in Live Oak, Texas


Dear Heloise: To keep the end of the tape easy to find, stick a penny under the end of the roll. This is really good, especially for larger rolls, like masking and duct tape. — Julie W., via email

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise(at) I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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