
Pedestrians reckless

3 min read

Dear Readers: Here is this week’s SOUND OFF, about pedestrians in parking lots:

“I wonder why so many people leaving a store don’t look for moving cars as they walk to their cars. Granted, cars should give pedestrians the right of way and travel at a slow speed. However, many people just barge out of stores and don’t look at all! I’m very surprised that there aren’t more pedestrians hit in parking lots.” — A Reader in Nebraska

There may be a lot of “oops” involving pedestrians, and we don’t hear about them. People are supposed to have the right of way (laws vary from state to state), but they, too, should pay attention. I’ve seen people walking along, talking or texting on a cellphone, oblivious to what’s going on around them! One man walked into a stopped car and blamed the driver! What’s wrong here? — Heloise


Dear Readers: Other uses for napkin rings:

n Around small candles as decoration.

n Slide ends of a scarf into one to hold in place.

n Use to hold curtains open.

n Attach a hanger and use as an ornament.

n Slip appliance cords into one.

— Heloise


Dear Heloise: I often give gift cards to my son, who lives out of state, to go out to dinner. He tells me that restaurants allow them to use only 80 percent of the value of the gift card, and also require him to tip 20 percent. He was told it’s because the restaurant is afraid it will be stiffed on the tip. Is this standard in the industry? — Terri P., Brea, Calif.

No, it is not a standard practice in the restaurant industry. It is up to the customer to decide to leave a tip — and how much to leave. An exception is where it is stated on the menu that for “parties of 6-8 or more, an automatic gratuity of (a certain percentage) will be added.” I’m still not sure that is entirely legal, either. Granted, large parties are a lot to handle, and the server should be tipped well for good and extra-good service.

Do remember that if things aren’t perfect or if maybe the food is slow getting to the table, it could be that the kitchen is slow and it is not the server’s fault. When the bill arrives, add the tip you want to leave, or do say that you will be leaving cash. The restaurant should NOT run your card until you approve the bill. If you have a question, ask to speak to a manager. — Heloise



P.O. Box 795000

San Antonio, TX 78279-5000

Fax: 1-210-HELOISE



Dear Heloise: I hate ironing shirts because it is hard to get in between the buttons. I was straightening my hair with my flat iron and wondered if it would work on my shirts. I used a LOW setting and ironed that little section with it. It worked! — Iona, via email


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