Pets shouldn’t chew the fat
Dear Readers: The holiday season is almost over! We do have one more big night and day to celebrate New Year’s! We may enjoy New Year’s Eve with food, drink and fireworks, but our PETS don’t know what’s going on. They do know that there is more food around, and all kinds of new and yummy treats to get into.
There are some foods that can be extremely harmful to dogs and cats, so please take a minute or two to read this.
The no-no list for pets:
n NO avocados (including my much-loved guacamole). They are very high in fat.
n NO chocolate, especially dark and baker’s; it’s a real no-no for ferrets.
n NO to most nuts, including macadamia (oh, I love these!), pecan (a fave from my home state of Texas) and even walnuts. All three are very high in fat content.
n NO to any food or candy that contains xylitol. So watch out for sugar-free gum, candy and baked goods. You (or a guest!) may think there is no sugar in it so it’s probably OK. But it’s NOT!
A lot does depend on body weight — think Great Dane versus Chihuahua. — Heloise
P.S.: Keep your pets safe, and “Woof, woof” from Chammy, our adopted silky wheaten.
Dear Readers: Dennis in Texas sent pictures of his beagle, Lexie. The first is of Lexie in a cage at the animal-control shelter, looking glum and sad. The second is her at home, wearing a huge smile.
To see Lexie and other Pet Pals, go to — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I would like to know how to get dried hair spray off a sponge-painted wall. Thanks! — Dan, via email
Dan, as long as the paint is washable, you are home free! All you need is some rubbing (or isopropyl) alcohol, which all drugstores and grocery stores carry. Pour some on a microfiber cloth or terry towel, then gently rub in one tiny spot (to test first) and let dry. No need to rinse! If the wall looks OK, then you can clean the whole area in no time and without having to buy special wall cleaners.
Rubbing alcohol is sold in different strengths, usually 50 percent, 70 percent and 90 percent by volume. The higher the percentage, the stronger the solution. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: As we spend winter days in our cozy home with three spoiled cats, it’s painful to see stray cats outside braving the cold temperatures while searching for food.
A quick solution is a clear, large plastic storage bin, top and all, with a cat-size hole cut in one end. Stuff a piece of rug or blanket inside. Add a clear food bowl that you can reach through to resupply. You can look out and see who’s there escaping the biting winds and whether more food is needed. — A Reader in Harrisburg, Pa.