Confetti is confidential
Dear Heloise: My recycling center will not accept SHREDDED PAPER. I accumulate a large amount since I shred all mail that contains any personal or business information.
I also am a gardener. Before I apply mulch in the spring and fall, I put down layers of shredded paper. I wet the paper first so it does not blow away and become trash. Wetting also destroys information that can be misused. The mulch is placed over the shredded paper, thus hiding it. The worms love it, and I feel secure that none of my personal social or financial information can be obtained.
The paper also can be put in the bottom of flower pots for drainage. — Ann K., Omaha, Neb.
Ann, this is a very good green hint — less trash in landfills, saves money on mulch, and great for the worms! If documents are shredded, especially with a crosscutting machine, I doubt there is much personal information left for anyone to be able to use. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I received one of the new combination coffeepots that brews a pot of coffee on one side or one cup on the other. Unfortunately, the coffee tasted terrible — like the hot plastic of the reservoir smelled.
I brewed several cycles of vinegar through it, and the plastic taste and odor disappeared. Now it makes great coffee. — Kathy B., Pekin, Ill.
A big Heloise Hug for using a classic Heloise vinegar hint! It’s just amazing how many uses for vinegar there are. Do you want even more money-saving hints? To receive my Heloise’s Fantabulous Vinegar Hints and More pamphlet, please send $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (70 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. For most cleaning jobs, all you need is white or apple-cider vinegar. Save the fancy vinegars for food! — Heloise
Dear Heloise: My husband has a helpful hint. He took a tennis ball, attached a string to it, then hung it from the rafters in the garage. Now when I pull in, the front bumper hits the ball, and I know I am far enough in to close the garage door. This has helped me tremendously! — Melissa S., Salem, Ohio
Dear Heloise: You recently wrote a hint about high-efficiency washing machines and how to wash delicates in them. The high-speed spin cycle on these machines can stretch knits out of shape. My mother kept telling me that the dryer was ruining her knit tops. It took me a while to realize it wasn’t the dryer, but the spinning action of her HE machine. I bought her multiple “delicates” laundry bags, which she now puts her knits in for washing. — Pam B. in North Carolina
Dear Heloise: I cut round circles out of leftover mesh shelf liners. They make wonderful jar-opener grips. — Linda L. in Alabama