Prepare for Old Man Winter
Dear Readers: As the weather begins to cool off, start thinking about some preparations you can make for the WINTER SEASON. Regular upkeep of your house can help reduce your energy bills and maintain the value of your home. Here are some hints just for you:
n Ensure that the attic is properly insulated, particularly in older homes.
n Look for drafts and leaks around doors and windows.
n Have the heating system inspected during the fall.
n Look over heating ducts for leaks.
n Weatherstrip doors and windows, even that obscure attic door.
— Heloise
Dear Heloise: A friend of mine told me that you had an article in the Staten Island (N.Y.) Advance for a cute gift idea for a groom. It was made out of a ladder and other tools. Can you please help me? — Florence, via email.
Sure can, and it’s fun to make, too! First, you can customize this gift to fit the groom. Some people call it a “Honey Do” mannequin, since usually it’s adorned with a lot of tools and items needed around the house for repairs and “Honey Do’s” that need attention.
Start with a regular ladder or stepladder for the body. Use a rake and attach it behind the ladder so it looks like a flattop haircut. You can use rolls of electrical tape, duct tape or painter’s tape for eyes, and a sponge or steel wool for a nose. (Attach with zip ties.) Add a tool belt around the “waist” to fill with all kinds of goodies. You could even go as far as adding two sprinklers for feet. — Heloise
P.S.: Visit to see a picture and read more instructions about how to make a kitchen/household maid/mate.
Dear Heloise: I am aware of replacing makeup such as mascara on a regular basis. To keep up to date with this job, I have a simple hint: Buy a black and a silver marker.
When I open and use the makeup the first time, I write the date on the container. The black marker works on light packaging, and the silver can be used to label the dark ones. I never have to rely on memory or calendars, and my makeup stays safe. — Fredda R., Abilene, Texas
Dear Heloise: My sister-in-law came up with this hint: Instead of buying an expensive greeting card for a birthday to put with a gift, buy a magazine the person would like for the same price! Write a quick message on it with a marker. The magazine will be read and not just tossed! — A.F., via email
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.