Take care with batteries on plane
Dear Heloise: I want to share an important SAFETY TRAVEL TIP. When packing to fly, with the Transportation Security Administration in mind, I place anything with batteries, like a clock, a face-cleaning brush, etc., in a zippered plastic bag on the very top of my clothes, so they can see them right away.
I used to remove the batteries and leave them in that bag. However, I learned that loose batteries can cause a fire if they touch each other (Heloise here: It’s extremely rare.) So, on my last flight, I left the batteries in the appliances. When I was unpacking after the short flight, I noticed that my face brush was very warm. I opened the battery compartment, and the batteries were so hot that I could not touch them! (Heloise here: The device’s switch inadvertently could have been moved to the “on” position.)
Imagine what could have happened on a longer flight! Now I remove all of the batteries and wrap each separately for travel. — Karen in Oxnard, Calif.
Karen, thank you for bringing up this subject. Yes, when flying it’s vital to do the right thing when carrying batteries. Here are some suggestions from the TSA:
n Keep batteries and devices with you or in your carry-on luggage.
n Bring spare batteries in original packaging, if possible. If not, place each battery in its own bag, case, etc., so that it cannot touch any other batteries, coins or metal objects.
n Place tape across the battery terminals for better protection. (Heloise here: This is what I do!)
n If you have to leave batteries in a device, make sure it is turned off. Tape it in the “off” position to keep it from turning on.
— Heloise
P.O. Box 795000
San Antonio, TX 78279-5000
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Email: Heloise@Heloise.com
Dear Heloise: To save money and cut down on wasted food, my family has a “pantry night.” Once a month, we go through the pantry and freezer and find something we each want to eat, such as a can of soup and crackers, a single TV dinner or whatever we can find that sounds good. That way, we use up what we have. — Nadine in Texas
Dear Heloise: I have had plenty of experience driving in lousy, snowy conditions, and I’ve helped dozens of people “get going.” How?
I carry carpet samples in my car! Any old rug probably would work. Clear a little snow from under the front tire. (Heloise here: Under the rear tires, if you have rear-wheel drive.)Push a carpet sample underneath and drive away slowly. — H.J., Huntington Beach, Calif.
Dear Heloise: I was out of delicate soap to wash my silklike nightgowns. I used scented body wash, and it worked! — Tanya O., Arlington, Va.