
Create effective signs

3 min read

Dear Heloise: I always feel sorry for the people who put up garage- or estate-sale SIGNS that are unreadable from passing cars. Here are some hints:

n Never use a yellow marker on white poster board. It may look cheery, but it looks like a pale mist as you drive by.

n Use a light-colored board and black, dark blue, red or green for the lettering.

n Make the letters at least 1/2 inch wide and at least 2 inches high.

n Keep information at a minimum. For instance, first line stating “GARAGE SALE,” second line “(ADDRESS),” third line “(TIME).”

n Draw an arrow pointing in the right direction, if space allows.

n Finally, drive by your sign at 30 mph to see if you can read it.

— Sandy S., via email

This is what I call a “test drive-by” so you can see what a potential customer can or cannot see! Final hint from Heloise: Take down the signs when the sale is over! — Heloise


Dear Heloise: As we get into colder months or, as my family calls it, “hot-tub season,” here are my hot-tub hints: First, cover the hot tub (Heloise here: If it’s outside, or if you do not drain it after each use) when not in use. Second, teach kids while young to flip on their back and call for help if they’re ever trapped in water — this includes hot tubs!

Hope this helps people have a safer hot-tub season! — Chris G. in Texas

Thanks for the reminders. Children NEVER should be in a hot tub/spa/ pool alone or without constant adult supervision! It takes only a few seconds for a tragedy to happen. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I purchase economically priced larger-size bottles of shower wash and shampoo. Occasionally, they get slippery and can cause sore toes if dropped. I take three or four of the wide rubber bands and slip them horizontally around the bottle. This provides a better grip. — Carolyn S. in Pennsylvania


Dear Heloise: If you have back pain after vacuuming or mopping, try this hint: Instead of using a back-and-forth movement, walk forward in a straight line, turn and come back, as if you were mowing the lawn.

When using a broom, stand in one place and drag the dirt toward you, moving around the room. Then sweep into the dustpan. — Grammy. G., Middletown, Ohio

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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