
Denture cleaner does toilets

4 min read

Dear Heloise: I recently ran out of TOILET-BOWL CLEANER. I dropped a denture-cleaner tablet into the toilet, waited a few minutes and brushed it out. This worked as well as regular cleaner. — Leo D., Little Rock, Ark.

Hi, Leo. There usually is another use for most items in our homes. Yes, bubbly denture tablets can give the toilet bowl a quick cleaning. Of course, these are safer to use than many commercial bowl cleaners. Do know that this will only help freshen and clean a toilet bowl; it will NOT remove stains or hard-water buildup? Also, it can be a bit pricey. However, if you simply pour in what’s left from cleaning dentures, hey, it’s almost free! — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I loved your fast hints to keep your house clean! I have two tricks. The first is to use the time when I am waiting for something in the microwave. I can wipe off the counter or put away dishes, depending on if I am waiting 20 seconds or two minutes.

The second is to use the time during commercials on television. My secret addiction is a soap opera that I watch every day. My guilt is assuaged by cleaning during the commercials. I can really get a lot done in those few minutes! — Marilyn F., Arlington, Texas


Dear Heloise: During the rainy season, a small, collapsible umbrella is useful. However, once used, the umbrella is a wet mess. I carry a plastic grocery bag and put the wet umbrella in the bag. The handles make carrying the bag easy. — Ed Yoder, Villa Park, Calif.


Dear Heloise: I have a collection of photo buttons from school pictures, sports teams and dance teams. I carefully clip the pin off the back and glue on a magnet. Instant photo magnet for the refrigerator! — Kathy Taylor, Vandalia, Ohio


Dear Heloise: As an 18-year-old bride, I knew only the basics of keeping house back in 1965. I simply don’t know what I would have done during the past 50 years without your mom’s and your column.

So often I will be doing some small thing that’s helpful and makes life easier. Someone will say, “How did you know that?” And I have only to say, “Heloise,” and the other person will say, “Oh, of course!”

You have really helped make life so much easier and more efficient, and have given dignity to the housewife. I really appreciate all you do. — Sheela Topping, Oak View, Calif.

Sheela, thank you for the kind words! Sometimes I think everyone knows this or that hint, and then realize that I was the only one who had Heloise as her mother! A hint a day can make things go smoothly. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I make postcards from greeting-card fronts and give them to friends with a stamp, ready to address and mail. — Fay Williams, Mayfield, Ky.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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