Phone directions incomplete
Dear Heloise: There needs to be a law that would require, at the time of purchase of a CELLPHONE, the purchaser to be supplied with a handbook on cellphone etiquette. The requirements should include:
n When speaking on your phone in a public area, move away from others. Use a modulated tone of voice; there is no need to shout!
n Never bring your phone to church. If you are expecting a call, stay home, or if you carry the phone for fear of an emergency, keep it on “VIBRATE”!
n It is never acceptable to laugh hysterically while speaking on your cellphone in a public area.
There is enough irritation surrounding us; we don’t need people causing noise pollution by flaunting their cellphones. Observe basic good manners and consideration of others. — A Reader in San Antonio
Dear Reader: Many of your suggestions are (or should be) common courtesy.
Not sure about “never acceptable to laugh hysterically while speaking on your cellphone in a public area.” If it’s funny and you laugh, that’s pretty normal. No, not in a church, synagogue, hospital or other similar place. Yes, put the phone on “vibrate” for those occasions. Also, it’s very, very rarely an EMERGENCY! The world will not stop if you don’t answer the cellphone right away! — Heloise
Dear Readers: Marilyn Mons in Manchester, N.H., sent a picture of her adorable wheaten terrier, Chloe, comfy on the couch. Marilyn says Chloe is precious to her. Of course she is! And my Chammy and Chloe could be best friends. To see Chloe and our other Pet Pals, visit and click on “Pets.” — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I heard a noise just above the water heater. I listened to it and decided to try something new. I took a portable radio into the attic, turned it on HIGH — without music, just static — and left it there for three days. The varmints moved out!
I enjoy your column in The Sacramento Bee’s garden section, and Good Housekeeping, too! — Irene R., Rocklin, Calif.
Hi, Irene! Love your city and have visited the newspaper often. Yes, this “noise pollution” may run them off for a while, but figure out how they are getting INTO the attic and seal up the entry so they can’t come back for a visit. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I’ve discovered that a latex-free makeup wedge applicator can make a good place to store stud earrings. I attach each earring to the back through the sponge, and then lay them in my jewelry box. — Janet in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Dear Heloise: After an exasperating day with my preschool son, I had taken all I thought I could. “James!” I cried, “You’re driving me crazy!”
With his most innocent look, he replied: “Mom, I can’t be doing that. I don’t even know how to drive!” — Janie, from January 1981