Keep traveling pets safe
Dear Readers: If you will be traveling with your pet (or pets), here are a few hints for you and your furry friends. Some hints below are from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and some are from Heloise Central:
n Be sure your pet has an ID tag with up-to-date contact information, including a cellphone number, because if someone calls your home, you won’t be there! Have your pets microchipped.
n Pets should be in the back seat — restrained, if possible. Yes, I know it’s hard to do, and our Cham will have none of it! Pets can be a distraction and a hazard in the front seat or if allowed to jump on your lap. Accidents do happen, and your pet may become a flying mass of fur.
n Make plenty of stops, for you and for your pet. Pets need a bathroom break and a little walkabout, too.
n DO NOT leave a pet unattended in the car, especially in extreme heat or cold. Try sitting in your car for just 10 minutes with the windows rolled up and the car off. You will see how it feels.
n Bring food and water bowls. Use a collar (with tag) and a leash, and don’t forget some favorite toys
n n Check with the motels/hotels you might use to be sure they allow pets. Many do now. Let them know when making a reservation. We ask for a bottom room, near an exit door for easy in and out for all of us!
— Heloise
Send a great hint to:
P.O. Box 795000
San Antonio, TX 78279-5000
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Dear Heloise: I just read the letter from a reader whose trash can went missing. I do woodwork in my garage and driveway. I have seen trash cans slip from the jaws of the garbage truck and fall into the truck. Once the driver stopped and removed the can, and another time he continued on his route. — Mario B., via email
Mario, a lot of readers agree! Apparently, it’s more common than we knew. The drivers may not be aware when this happens, depending on the truck. Also, if there’s only one person in the truck, it’s hard to do everything! If your trash can “goes missing” (I just love this wording, like the trash can went for a walk by itself), don’t rule out this scenario. If you see this happen, call and let the service provider know. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: Many of us have disposable dusters. It makes dusting easy. Here is another use: I take an old washcloth or rag and wrap it around the handle. I use it to clean underneath the stove, washing machine, dryer, etc. You would be surprised how much lint and dirt can collect under there! — Natalia in Illinois
Dear Heloise: With several small children, we always are having boo-boos. I pre-stock my freezer with several small, plastic, zippered bags full of ice. Then when an accident happens, I can easily grab one and go. — Becky, via email