
Eat healthier on the road

3 min read

Dear Readers: With our busy lives, and many of us spending a lot of time going to and from, it’s sure easy to “drive through” a FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT to pick up dinner! Hey, I’m one of you.

After a full, busy day working on this column, doing phone work, checking and sending important emails, dealing with service folks, etc., I sure don’t want to fix dinner. Plus, it’s just David (my husband) and me now. Oh, yes, he usually is the one who “brings home the dinner,” since I work from my home office. Here are my personal Heloise hints for eating as healthy as possible:

n No FRIED food, or if it’s battered, I try to pick off the batter and skin. I do love french fries and onion rings, so I limit the amount I eat by putting a few on my plate, not eating from the bag. Side salads, soups and fruit slices are available, too. Skip mayo on a sandwich or burger (veggie for me), and “86” (cancel) the cheese.

n Soft drinks are jampacked with useless calories and cost a lot! Water for me, or iced tea.

n Gravies, high-calorie sauces and most salad dressings add more calories and fat than you might think. A taste or two usually is enough for me.

n Kids’ meals are perfect when I’m not famished. NO, you don’t have to be a kid to order one!

— Heloise


Dear Heloise: My wife, Shirley, reads me the hints in your column in The Washington Post. Here is my hint to make shaving almost nickproof:

She has gotten me to use body lotion for dry skin. I now apply it to my face before the shaving cream — the result is miraculous! Shaving is easier and more effective. Hope you print this — I think a lot of men would benefit. Thanks for years of wonderful advice and suggestions. — Gene, via email

Gene, give your wife a Heloise hug, and one to you for sharing your hint. For legs, I rub on a thin coat of baby oil or lotion before getting into the shower or bath. Then I use hair shampoo or conditioner over the oil and shave. No nicks and smooth skin. — Heloise


Dear Readers: Jodi in Tennessee sent a photo of Sheeba, a Lab mix who followed Jodi and her husband home after a walk. Sheeba was just a puppy when she trotted up the hill to let them know she had picked them! Visit www. and click on “Pets. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I buy large bags of dry dog food and wild birdseed. To make a small tarp, I cut the tops and bottoms off, then split them down one side. If larger is needed, I lay several down and tape them together. Tarps are expensive, and I have to buy dog food anyway. — Martha C. in Virginia


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