Is moving on your mind?
Dear Readers: Time to downsize? Are you thinking about buying a CONDOMINIUM? There is a lot to like! No yardwork and smaller accommodations, which means no more stuffed-to-the-gills closets or basement. Plus, neighbors who may share your same interest and hobbies.
Usually, the monthly mortgage, monthly dues or maintenance fees and homeowners insurance can be less than a home.
Be smart and ask a lot of questions upfront. Storage space? Shared? Who is responsible for parking spaces? What if there is a water leak from my upstairs neighbor? Are pets allowed? What about a stay-over guest? How young? How long can they stay?
If you feel comfortable with the answers, it may be your new home.
You must have a lawyer go over all paperwork. Don’t think you know it all (unless you are a real estate attorney!), because you don’t.
Many of my readers love the condo life. Others have not had good experiences. Remember, you CANNOT pick your neighbors. If one of them is difficult today, they will be there, right next door and probably not going to change. Good luck! — Heloise
Dear Readers: Love grapefruit and grapefruit juice, but worried how it might react with certain prescription medications? The medical community has found that grapefruit can affect the absorption of certain drugs, whether prescription or over the counter.
Cholesterol and blood-pressure-lowering drugs are probably two of the most common.
Many prescription bottles l have say on the label “Do not take with grapefruit.”
Most importantly, ask your physician about any foods or juice you should not be consuming while on certain medications. Your pharmacist is the frontline person to check with. When in doubt, check it out! — Heloise
Dear Heloise: To freshen the bathroom, put small plastic flowers in a vase. Spray two squirts of cheap dollar-store perfume on them. Close the door. — Eleanor in The Villages, Fla.
Eleanor, I do the same. I’m looking forward to my visit to The Villages in April of next year. Hope to meet you then! — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I remember reading somewhere, perhaps in your column, that wiping a kitchen or dining table or cooking area with an already-used sponge does not leave these surfaces clean. A sponge is perfect for the multiplication of bacteria and germs, instead of making the surface cleaner. Could you confirm this? — Candy R. in Houston
You are correct: A dirty sponge can and does spread germs around, especially if you are using only water to dampen the sponge. If you use a commercial multipurpose cleaner, that will help to a certain point. If you have concerns about spreading germs to other surfaces, use paper towels and discard ASAP. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: When I want a snack of nuts or chocolate candies, I put them in a small container. It eliminates the mess, and I can control the portion. — Steve in Jensen Beach, Fla.
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.