Butter wrappers ideal
Dear Readers: Here is this week’s SOUND ON, about butter packaging:
“I love that sticks of butter are wrapped in paper with the measurement lines. It’s easy to measure the right amount, especially when you have already used part of the stick.” — Joy L., Washington, D.C.
Good comment, Joy. You can keep a wrapper (cleaned, of course) to use as a “ruler,” if needed. — Heloise
P.O. Box 795000
San Antonio, TX 78279-5000
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Email: Heloise@Heloise.com
Dear Readers: Here are other uses for old bird cages:
n Paint and use as a plant holder.
n Take off the top to use as a magazine holder.
n Store yarn or scrap fabric in one.
n Put in a fireplace, with candles.
n Hang outside as a bird feeder.
— Heloise
Dear Heloise: Many stores have good sales on school supplies this time of year. I buy extras of things I know my children will need later while the supplies are cheaper — notebooks, folders, pencils, poster board and more. Folders get torn, notebooks run out of paper, and my kids never tell me until after dinner! If they don’t use them this year, they will next year. — Lisa L., Lake Charles, La.
Dear Heloise: It can be hard to pour the grease from pans into a collection container. Here is what I do: I use a turkey baster to suck up the grease from the pan and place it in an empty aluminum can. — W. Smyth in Salt Lake City
Like your hint. A reminder, folks: Do NOT pour grease (hot or cold) down the sink! It will come back to haunt you! — Heloise