Dear Readers: Computers were supposed to make us a paperless society! NOT! NO! NADA! ZIP! We still get bills, bills and more paper!
One place that many of us still want a paper bill is the energy bill.
How do I know? Believe it or not, there was a study done using a large, anonymous electric company up East.
The numbers from this survey showed that over 90 percent of their customers still want a paper bill sent through the mail — most likely (as I do) to keep copies to compare usage and cost and for supporting documentation.
I keep ours for several years, then go through and pick out January, August, September and December, and toss the rest.
I do the same for our water bill, but keep all months, as water usage and cost are a major concern here in Texas and will continue to be for the future.
However, I do pay most bills online, like the majority of those in the survey.
Some companies try to push you to receive and pay bills online, I think to cut costs, but you don’t have to! Call for a paper bill, and they should NOT charge you. — Heloise
Decorative hangers
Dear Heloise: Years ago, my mother and some ladies made wreaths out of wire hangers by taking the hangers and bending them into a circle. The hook was used as the hanger or mount.
For Christmas or any holiday, tie wrapped pieces of candy on the circle using fine thread. The wreaths can then be mounted, and when people walk by, they can take a piece of candy.
You can decorate the wreath any way you want. Use tiny bows, ribbons or other decorations amongst the candy.
At one party, tags were attached, and people pulled a tag to reveal a prize. You can use your imagination and create so many things. — Zoe W., via email
Laundry hint
Dear Heloise: I read your column in the Kenosha (Wis.) News. Years ago, the neighbor of a friend fell down a flight of stairs while carrying a laundry basket. She broke her back, but fortunately made a full recovery. Since then, I avoid carrying laundry baskets up and down my stairs.
Net hampers with handles and zip tops are available in several sizes, and make wonderful substitutes for laundry baskets.
Fill with dirty laundry, zip, drag to the top of the stairs and push them down.
The hampers make their own head-over-heels trip down the steps without creating the danger of falling.
They also are easy to safely drag back up the steps when filled with clean clothes or linens. — Kathryn T. in Wisconsin
Ouch! Good hint to prevent a dangerous fall! — Heloise
Bottle cotton
Dear Heloise: I take low-dose aspirin, and it’s difficult to get the protective cotton out of the bottle.
I take a corkscrew, give it several twists into the cotton and pull gently to coax out the cotton. Problem solved! — Greg C., Long Beach, Calif.
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.