Renewal automatic
Dear Heloise: To my chagrin, some magazine subscription services automatically renew subscriptions, oftentimes billing the original payment method without notice. I thought this was illegal, but it has happened to me.
Please let your readers know that if they are receiving more issues than originally paid for, they should contact the magazine’s subscription department. — Carole H., Salem, Ore.
Carole, thank you for writing and wanting to let my readers know to keep an eye out. Full disclosure (as they say in journalism): I am a longtime contributing editor and columnist for Good Housekeeping magazine.
I believe that what you are talking about is called an opt-out option or automatic renewal.
Generally, with this option, the subscription is automatically renewed unless you “opt out” and say no.
They usually send a notice, many times two to six months ahead of the renewal date.
If you have any doubts, call the free customer-service phone number, have the magazine label in hand, and they will work it out for you. — Heloise
P.S.: This is NOT the same as unauthorized third-party billing companies. They might “renew” at a higher rate. Read the fine print!
Dear Heloise: We downsized our Christmas tree. Our new tree is perfect for our needs, but it is smaller.
Rather than discarding/donating the unusable ornaments, some of which were favorites, I repurposed them into tabletop decorations.
I have several gallon-size glass jars with lids, and I layered the ornaments in two jars. They are on display on my kitchen island and dining table.
We can still enjoy the ornaments and the memories. — Jane H. in San Antonio
Dear Heloise: We have repurposed an extra six-bottle wine carrier (given free at our store) as a handy caddy for carrying salad dressings to and from a nearby meal event.
When a cooler is the better choice, you could fill it and place in a cooler.
One opening is for salad or serving utensils, which are taken in a clean zipper-top bag (no mess for the trip home).
Condiments can travel the same way, as well as napkins and various eating utensils.
I have one of the carriers for my small gardening hand tools and gloves. I garden with friends and at my elderly mother’s home.
It’s quick to load, and keeps everything together. — Mary A., Vancouver, Wash.
Dear Heloise: I’m reminded of corrosion and connection problems with Christmas lights even out here in snowless Orange County, Calif.
When I’m installing the lights, I have my hand-held, electric rotary tool handy with a round wire brush mounted on it.
Often, I give the terminals of electrical plugs a quick swipe to shine them and remove tarnish.
That keeps the lights glowing bright for another season.
This works for any electric interface, like flashlight batteries and the flashlights themselves. — Terry D., Orange, Calif.
Roger that! I use my small one (made for fingernails) with the grinding bit to sharpen scissors. — Heloise
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.