Leave nuts mixed
Dear Readers: Today’s SOUND OFF is about guests picking through a bowl of mixed nuts:
“We entertain quite a lot, and besides the various appetizers, we offer, together with the pre-dinner drinks, a bowl of mixed nuts.
“It makes me mad when I see some guests carefully pick out the cashew nuts, walnuts or whatever, and leave the ‘less popular’ nuts behind. Don’t these people realize how RUDE and BAD MANNERED this is?
“Why take the best nuts for yourself and deny them to others? If you want nuts, take a spoonful or handful and eat what you get.” — Dixie in Camarillo, Calif.
Well, they are guests in your home. I don’t think they are being rude intentionally. What are the best nuts to one may be just a nut to another person. If you know that those folks are coming over, put out of bowl of plain peanuts! — Heloise
P.S.: Readers, chime in with your thoughts. Write to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279; email to Heloise(at)Heloise.com; or fax to 210-HELOISE.
P.O. Box 795000
San Antonio, TX 78279-5000
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Email: Heloise@Heloise.com
Dear Readers: Recycling or reusing newspaper is the right thing to do. Here are a few hints you might not have thought about:
1. Use as place mats for children who are doing crafts at the table.
2. Put inside containers to absorb odors.
3. Line the bottom of cages for birds or other small pets.
4. Wrap food waste like potato peels or eggshells.
— Heloise
Dear Heloise: I frequently get hiccups, and here is something that works for me: Take a full teaspoon of peanut butter, invert the spoon and put the bottom of the spoon against the roof of your mouth. Then gently take your tongue and pull the peanut butter off the spoon. DO NOT CHEW THE PEANUT BUTTER.
Without choking, gently swallow the peanut butter. This works about 95 percent of the time. Sometimes, when the peanut butter is gone but my mouth is still sticky, I will drink a glass of water quickly, holding my breath, and this has always stopped them. — Judy, via email
Judy, I tried this, and it’s a little difficult to swallow, so I’d add, “Use only a small amount of CREAMY peanut butter.” Have a glass or two of milk or water to follow up with. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: Here’s a hint for lining a pan with foil: After I’ve measured the foil for the pan, I put on an oven mitt and firmly press the liner into the corners to get a good fit. No tearing holes in the foil due to fingernails or jewelry. — Carol G. in San Antonio
Dear Heloise: I use a cane to get around. During Halloween, our lights went out. My son had a bicycle light meant for handlebars, and he put it on my cane. It worked, and I could see my way around. — Alice W., Salem, Ore.