
Recycle shreds

3 min read

Dear Readers: A recent column addressed what to do with SHREDDED PAPER. One hint was to recycle it in a curbside recycling bin. This hint prompted many comments. Here are just two:

n Katherine S., via email, said: “In your column, you said to put shredded paper in the recycle bin, but not too long ago I had bags of shredded documents and was told this cannot go in recycling. I never could figure out why, so maybe you could check into this?”

n Valerie W., via email, said: “Your recent column … in our Kenosha (Wis.) News told readers to recycle shredded documents in their recycling bin with newspapers. I was surprised myself to learn that our recycling company does NOT want shredded paper. It gums up the equipment that divides the recyclables.”

Thanks for the update, readers. Some recycling centers take the shredded paper, but ONLY if it’s in a brown paper bag so that it’s separated from the other items. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: When my husband and son came home from fishing, I always found dangling fishhooks in the garage. I used empty prescription bottles and put each hook in a large one, and the fishing line comes through the cap. Sometimes a small bottle will work, depending on the size of the hook. I don’t have to worry about an accident. — Ann P., Belle Chasse, La.

Ouch! You don’t want to be “hooked” by a wayward fishing hook! Your hint is a good one, and I’d love to hear other fishing hints from my readers. David, that means you, too! — Hugs, Heloise


Dear Heloise: I was packing to go on a trip and was looking for a really small container for some itty-bitty pills I take. I couldn’t find one. Then I discovered that I had a brand-new contact-lens container that would work. — Laura L., San Clemente, Calif.

Laura, I love those little containers. They are handy for a dab of scented hand lotion, too. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I follow you in the Daily News-Record in Harrisonburg, Va.

I use clear covers that come with some greeting cards to protect my cookbook pages from flying food. They slide right onto most pages. I use clear plastic sleeves that magazines are mailed in to protect a book from rain. — Pat W., via email


Dear Heloise: I inherited several brooches from my mother. I love wearing them, but they often are too heavy for my clothing and therefore sag or pull on the material.

I cut a corner off a shoulder pad that I was about to discard and placed the triangle of shoulder pad behind the fabric as I pinned on the brooch. The brooch then stands upright and does not ruin the fabric. — Linda in Bella Vista, Ark.

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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