
New dog may need a house

3 min read

Dear Readers: When a new dog comes into the family, depending on where you live, a DOGHOUSE might be a priority. This is especially important if your dog will be outside most of the time.

You can buy one or make one. Here are some hints to know:

The dog needs enough room to stand, sit and turn around. Not too big, though!

Do put the doghouse on cement blocks or another sturdy base to help keep the floor dry and cool or warm, depending on where you live.

If it’s cold outside, the base of the doghouse will transfer that coldness inside the doghouse. Or, if boiling hot, like in Arizona or West Texas, the elevation will allow airflow between the soil and the doghouse.

On a personal note, when Sheba, a Keeshond, adopted us years ago (and is now in doggie Valhalla), my husband, David, made her a doghouse. It was just the right size for her to curl up in and stay warm and safe. However, she decided that sleeping ON TOP of the doghouse was the way to go. Or she would crawl under a deck we have to get out of our Texas summer heat and hunker down in the cool sand. — Heloise


Dear Readers: Janet in Lubbock, Texas, sent a picture of her adorable Chihuahua, Briggs, staying warm on a blanket on her lap. If you’d like to see Briggs, visit and click on “Pets.” Do you have a funny or cute Pet Pal picture that you’d like to share? If so, scan the picture and email it to, or mail to: Heloise/Pet Pal, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279. All pets welcome, including snakes and spiders. But just their photos — no live animals! — Heloise


Dear Heloise: When making a grilled cheese sandwich, I first toast two pieces of bread in one slot of the toaster, toasting just one side of each. When I assemble the sandwich, I grill it on the untoasted sides of the bread. My bread is toasted on both sides — yum! — Stella G., Danville, Ky.

Stella, this does sound like a good hint, but how do you fit two slices of bread into one slot? They must be very thin slices of bread, or your toaster must have bagel-size slots. If you are going to use a frying pan to grill the sandwich, why not simply put the bread in the pan and “toast” one side? Then make the sandwich the way you normally do.

Oh, one of my favorites? Try a “grilled” peanut butter and blackberry jam sandwich. Hits the spot every time! — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I read your column every day. I want to share a fast cleaning method I use. I pour rubbing alcohol into a (labeled — Heloise) spray container. I use a dry dishcloth and spray all over my kitchen, bathroom and toilet seats to get rid of bacteria. Of course, I use a different cloth for different rooms! — Anna Victoria, Stafford, Va.


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