Pillow case improper
Dear Heloise: I recently purchased two sheet sets from different manufacturers. In both, the pillowcases only have one hem sewn at the pillowcase opening, with the other side merely folded down. I can’t think of any reason to have them this way. I’m wondering if you or any readers know the reason. — Sally L. in Virginia
Here is what I can tell you: These are envelope pillowcases, so you can tuck the pillow into the case and the pillow doesn’t fall out. Some think it also adds a more finished look when the bed is made and the pillow can be seen.
A lot of decorative throw pillows have the same style down the middle of the back, with a button closure. I have several for a guest bed and love the comfy look. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: Routine doctor and dentist appointments typically are scheduled six months to a year in advance. Don’t you hate turning over the calendar to a new month and realizing you’re supposed to be at the dentist that day or the next?
When I have an appointment set early in the month, I write it on the proper day, but also make a note on the last week of the preceding month, so I don’t get that unpleasant surprise when turning over the page. Appointments set in the next calendar year are noted on the last page of the calendar. Sometimes, I staple the cards to the back of the page. — Marilyn in Missouri
Dear Heloise: I love having small arrangements of many different kinds of flowers from my garden in the house. Some blossoms last longer than others. Instead of taking the whole bunch apart to pull out one blossom, I just snip the stem where it is not too visible without destroying the arrangement. — Gaylee in Colorado Springs, Colo.
Dear Heloise: When I am working with things that have small screws, springs, gears, etc., I always work over a terrycloth hand towel. If I drop something small, it will stay on the towel. I put the things I remove in a small, plastic storage bowl. If the sequence of return is important, I line the things up — left to right — on a tissue.
I keep a small wand magnet handy. It’s a tool that has an extending rod at the end, which is a tubular magnet. If an item falls on the floor and I can’t find it, I move the magnet over the area where I think the item fell. — Best Regards and Smiles, Tim D., Kettering, Ohio
Same back to you, Tim, and thanks so much for writing. Please do so again. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: After returning from buying toilet paper in bulk from a big-box store, I put the storage space in my luggage in the closet to use by packing toilet-paper rolls in them. — Thom B., Arlington, Va.
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to Heloise@Heloise.com. I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.