Pack brushes for the trip
Dear Readers: Here are some HELOISE hints for household brushes. If planning a road trip, these should be in your vehicle, just in case. The key to cleaning stains and grime is “the sooner, the better.”
n Mascara brush: to clean inside small openings.
n Toilet brush: to clean tires without much backbreaking effort.
n Large paintbrush: swipe upholstery, dashboard, etc., of crumbs, soil and dust.
n Smaller paintbrush: swipe smaller areas, crevices and hard-to-reach places.
n Whisk broom: to “sweep” carpet of dirt, sand and debris.
Of course, these are all CLEAN old brushes! — Heloise
P.S.: Any more hints, readers? Please let me know, and I’ll print as many as I can.
My favorite: a clean nail-polish brush with black paint to fill in the divot in the heel of my high heels!
Dear Heloise: I use a screen shot, which is a snapshot or picture of my computer screen, to save recipes from online sites. Many times I have tried to share recipes on social media as a way of saving them, and then I lose the recipe.
Now I screen-shot them and can try the recipes. If I like them, I can email them from my phone to my computer and print them. — Naioma L., Eupora, Miss.
Dear Heloise: We’re expanding our taste buds regarding coffee. But we are on a budget. We’ve been experimenting with different coffees, creamers and milks.
Do you have any hints for storing coffees (especially where we live — it’s very humid) so that we can maximize their flavors? — Philip A., Shreveport, La.
The four BAD things for coffee are air, light, moisture and heat. They will limit the shelf life of coffee, so take heed. Store the coffee in a dark (solid, not see-through), airtight container at room temperature — also known as a cool, dry, dark place!
Since you are experimenting with different coffee flavors, you might want to consider ordering my pamphlet Heloise’s Flavored Coffees and Teas. To receive one, go to my website,, or send $3 and a long, self-addressed, stamped (70 cents) envelope to: Heloise/Coffees and Teas, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Since you might be stocking up on different coffees, buy the smallest amount first to experiment with. Keep notes, like “store brand good” or “store brand bad.” — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I like to sit down with a good book. Some of my favorites are paperbacks that I sometimes travel with. They can get pretty beat up.
To preserve the cover, I wrap it in clear plastic adhesive-backed paper. I measure my book to determine the amount needed. Then I cut out the shape and peel one side at a time as I cover the book.
The cover stays on longer and is in better shape. I like the condition they are in when and if I do share them with people. — Mary S. in San Antonio