Check the wind before you spray sunblock
Dear Readers: Today’s sound off is from a reader complaining about aerosol sunblock.
She said: “My pet peeve is people who spray aerosol sunblock without noting the wind and who might get a face full of it when sprayed.
At a recent trip to the beach, I received a face full of it several times when the wind blew it my way. My daughter, who has asthma, is unable to breathe when many aerosols are sprayed.
“Please ask your readers to be kind to others and be aware of the breeze when spraying aerosol of any kind outdoors.
It could end up in someone’s eyes, mouth or all over the food they’re eating.” — Betty, via email
A solution to the problem could be to have people hold a large towel behind them and then in front of them (like wings) while getting sprayed.
That could eliminate some aerosols from being airborne. — Heloise
Fast facts
Dear Readers: Here is a list of a few natural exfoliators you can use instead of commercial ones:
n oatmeal
n baking soda
n coffee
n sea salt
n sugar
You might ask, “Why go natural when commercial is easy to buy and comes in a variety of choices?”
Research shows that many of these products contain microbeads, which are terrible for the environment.
These small, plastic beads don’t biodegrade, and they are being washed into our water supply. Reason enough for me! — Heloise
Baking soda to rescue
Dear Heloise: I thought you might enjoy a baking-soda story. One Saturday morning, my husband was out doing some work on his pickup while my neighbor and I were inside enjoying a cup of coffee.
After a little while, my husband came leisurely strolling in the back door and said to me, “Mama, would you get me a box of soda, please?” I just said: “Why? What are you going to do with it?” He replied, “Well, I just need some out there.”
After a couple of more questions and answers, he began to lose patience, and finally said: “Darn it! My truck’s on fire!”
At that point, I got up and got him the soda. He used it on the fire, and the truck was fine. — Jeanne J., San Angelo, Texas
Paper towel usage
Dear Heloise: Here’s a hint I use to save on paper towels: Place a paper towel on top of several sheets of newspaper, then place fried meats or veggies on the paper towel to absorb a lot of grease without using more than one or two paper towels. Saves money and paper towels.
I also do the same after frying bacon in the microwave. Then I just toss all of the old papers in the trash. — Donna W., via email
Easy grip for bags
Dear Heloise: My husband cut an old garden hose into pieces that I can use to protect my fingers when carrying grocery bags. Works great! — Harriet B., via email
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; fax it to 1-210-435-6473 or email it to