
Theme-park planning

3 min read

Dear Readers: With summer winding down, it may be time for a quick day-trip to a THEME PARK before school starts up. Here are some money-saving hints:

n Jump on the park’s website, or search the supermarkets or fast-food restaurants close by, for discount coupons and deals.

n Time is money — scope out the layout of the park in order to save time.

n Weekends typically are more crowded, and more costly, than weekdays.

n Bring your own sunscreen, ponchos and umbrellas. These will be super-expensive inside the park.

n Pack a washcloth inside a plastic zippered bag. Soak it in water at the park and use it to cool off.

n Snacks and meals can cut into your budget at the park. See if you can bring your own refreshments.

— Heloise


Dear Heloise: Whenever we buy slacks or shorts, they come with a hanger with clips. So we snap off the clips and use them as “chip clips.”

Now we never run out of clips when we need to seal an open bag of chips. — Lynda M., via email

You also can try those clips on bags of pasta, cereal, rice and bread. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I have a touch of arthritis, and I’ve lost my sense of smell. The following hints serve me well:

So that I don’t overdo the use of perfume, I cut the scent strips from magazines and use them on my wrists. People tell me there is a pleasant scent surrounding me.

For opening cans, if the can has a pull tab, I put a dull knife in the hole, leverage the knife against the side of the can, and the top will lift off cleanly.

To pick up papers, I put one foot on each end of the paper and draw my feet together. The paper buckles in the middle, and then it is easy to pick up.

I use many of the hints found in your column — thank you! — Edna M., Newbury Park, Calif.


Dear Readers: Many high-end cosmetic and makeup lines have a secondary line that is sold at drugstores. Both lines may even be manufactured in the same factory, and with the same technology and quality ingredients!

The difference? Packaging, advertising and price. Check them out to save money. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I was just reading about shower gel versus body wash. I’d like to add another tip: I use body wash in my shower. My husband uses bar soap in his. He gets more soap scum than I do! — Mary T., via email


Dear Heloise: I am 84 years old, married 54 years, and can count on one hand the number of lost socks in my lifetime.

When removing them at night, I fold the tops together and put them in the dirty-clothes bag to be washed, always matched and not lost. — Bill M. in California

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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