A back-to-school hook
Dear Heloise: Back-to-school time is here, and with my busy family, we are in need of ORGANIZATION!
I decided that a good place to start for us was the mudroom. Before, it was a cluttered mess, with three kids and a husband dropping books, bags and boots back there.
Here is how I got everyone’s stuff together:
* Hanging hooks gets book bags and backpacks off the floor. Also, hooks are a good spot for seldom-used raincoats and umbrellas, hooded sweatshirts and winter coats. I hang some hooks lower for my young kids so they can reach.
* Cleaning off the benches and donating old shoes and coats that don’t fit is a good way to make new space.
* Each member of the family gets a basket that hangs over a tray, so icky items can drip-dry.
When we are organized, the household runs more smoothly! — Jamie T. in Oklahoma
Dear Readers: Tomye T. in Boston sent a picture of her hilarious 7-year-old purebred Persian tabby, Persephone (named from Greek mythology). Persephone is making a funny face — she just saw a flock of birds outside!
To see Persephone and our other Pet Pals, visit www.Heloise.com and click on “Pet of the Week.” Do you have a funny-faced, furry friend? Send a picture to: Heloise(at)Heloise.com. — Heloise
Dear Readers: Below are places to avoid wearing “jangly” jewelry, i.e., bracelets:
* Church.
* A wedding.
* A memorial service.
* The classroom.
If you want to make a statement with your jewelry, a bold earring or ring would be a better choice. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: My weight-loss efforts had hit a plateau for a long time, but I finally had success with the hints below, and I thought I would share them with your readers:
I drink water in place of other beverages. It is filling, and there is no sugar or calories to worry about.
I use vinaigrette dressing instead of creamy dressings on my salad.
Adding one hour of exercise weekly to my present workout schedule burns extra calories.
I eat one serving of fish (not fried or breaded) five times a week.
I hope this helps others! — Gloria P., via email
Dear Readers: Cosmetic counters in the department store have disposable mascara wands for sample applications. When you are there, ask if you can take one.
The brushes are wonderful for cleaning lots of tight spaces: around the faucets on the sink, the keyboard on your computer and the feeding holes on bird feeders! — Heloise
Dear Heloise: Just a reminder for your readers: Leave the door open on your front-loading washer to air it out, but then close it. I’ve found my cat napping in there! — Julie M. in Oregon
Dear Heloise: I’ve found that pointed-toe heels and flats look prettier, lengthen my leg and appear, to me, more expensive.
I know they’re not for everyone, but I always look for pointed-toe shoes when I’m shoe shopping. — Maevis in New Mexico