Turn your game around!
Dear Heloise: My husband and I love to play board games, but sometimes the board is upside down for one of us. We started placing the boards on a Lazy Susan, and now we can just turn the game toward the player. — Carol D. in St. Louis
P.O. Box 795000
San Antonio, TX 78279-5000
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Email: Heloise@Heloise.com
Dear Heloise: I have a couple of burn marks on my bathroom counter because I set my curling iron down when it was very hot. To avoid any more accidents like that, I bought a silicone potholder, and now I lay the curling iron on that and there are no more burn marks on my counter. I also can toss the potholder in my suitcase when I travel. — Betty M., Bend, Ore.
Dear Heloise: Because it grows aggressively, I plant my mint in plastic containers that I sink into the edges around my garden in shady areas. Besides containing the plants and keeping them from growing wild, it repels deer. — Amy C., Rock Hill, S.C.
Dear Heloise: My aunt bought a new bedspread that she wanted to show me. While I was there with my 5-year-old son, my aunt mentioned how much she liked her new spread, to which my son said, “I thought you said she had a middle-age spread.” — A Reader, via email
Dear Heloise: My husband and I have a lake house, and in the summer we have a number of guests who come for a visit. We buy travel-size items such as shampoo, toothpaste, hand lotion, etc., and have these items in a pretty basket on the dresser in the guest bedroom. If guests forget something, they are welcome to help themselves to items in the basket. — Dan and Alice H., Torch Lake, Mich.
Dear Readers: We had several comments on our article from a reader who claimed that weather girls, female reporters and news anchors wore their clothing too short and looked too unprofessional. The following are some of the comments we received. — Heloise
Canfield, Ohio: “In regard to the TV women: They are not dressed professionally.”
Anonymous: “I agree with the woman who wrote in about the inappropriate dressing of TV women. Why do reporters appear to have been poured into a mold of a Barbie doll? Too many women dress provocatively.”
Deerfield Beach, Fla.: “In light of all the sexual harassment claims these days, I should think women on TV would set a better example by dressing in a more professional manner.”
Dallas: “Whatever happened to the classy women who knew that a suit was their mantle of authority?”
Dear Heloise: I have one of those calendars where each day you tear off a page to reveal the next day’s date. When I tear off a page per day, I put it under the calendar, and the calendar itself is by the phone. When I need to take a message, I use one of the pages from previous days and write on the back. — Ellen M., Dothan, Ala.