Which way to fall colors?
Dear Heloise: My husband and I want to travel somewhere this month to see FALL COLORS. He wants to go west, and I want to go east. Any hints for us on where to go? — Emma in Big Spring, Texas
Emma, New England is beautiful in the fall, and there are many little towns along the way that are very historic. Then there are beautiful places in Oregon, Washington state and Colorado with lots of rustic charm. Your best bet might be to consult with a travel agent. This year one of you picks a place, and next year the other person selects the place. Let a travel agent show you some of the most interesting places to visit. — Heloise
P.O. Box 795001
San Antonio, TX 78279-5001
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Email: Heloise@Heloise.com
Dear Heloise: Recently, a man phoned me to tell me that my bank noticed suspicious activity on a charge card of mine. Then he asked me to verify my card number and expiration date. I said no and asked him to read off the number he had, and I would tell him whether or not it’s my card. He refused, so I hung up and called my bank, which hadn’t monitored my account and did not call me. It was a scam. Please warn your readers to NEVER give out information about their credit cards or their accounts at the bank. Always call your bank to verify that it was the one that called. — June L., Paramus, N.J.
Dear Heloise: There are some things you should never put on social media, which, unfortunately, I learned the hard way. Keep your information private. There’s no need to post certain things, such as:
* Full date of birth: No one needs to see this critical piece of information.
* Phone number: About 25% of people post their phone number. Don’t do it.
* Home address: Stalkers love getting your address.
* Social Security number: This is a no-brainer. Don’t do it.
* Relationship status: Another favorite of a stalker.
* Info on work: Never post anything negative about your boss or co-workers.
* Photos of your vacation: Don’t post them until you get home again; burglars love an empty house.
— Mike, via email
Dear Heloise: Here is an easy way to keep track of my sheets and pillowcases: I fold the bottom sheet, fold the top sheet and one pillowcase, then slide all three pieces into the second pillowcase. This makes it easy to store and keeps everything together. — Brianna Y., North Augusta, S.C.
Dear Heloise: I wash things in a bathroom sink while I travel on long trips, but I can’t seem to get them to dry off by the next day. What should I do to get my garments to dry properly? — Daisy in Smyrna, Del.
Daisy, after washing and rinsing your garments, roll them in a towel to help wring out the excess water, then hang them up to dry. If they are still damp in the morning, use a hair dryer to finish the job. — Heloise