New pet products
Dear Readers: There are some new, innovative and fun PET PRODUCTS out there. How about an attachment for a water bottle that allows the dog to drink from the bottle? Handy for hiking.
And a food dish with grooves like a maze that challenges the dog and causes him to eat more slowly? This can benefit digestion.
Finally, how about a comfortable, adjustable HARNESS instead of a rough collar? Harnesses distribute weight across an animal’s body and can’t choke.
Visit your neighborhood pet store, or log on to find these fresh choices for your dog. — Heloise
P.S. There have been major upgrades in pet medications, too, for external parasites, allergies, heartworm, etc. Ask your veterinarian for more information.
Dear Readers: Meet Pearl and Minnie. Beth B. in Freeport, Pa., sent a picture of her “pittie” girls sleeping together, Pearl on top of Minnie! Minnie has trouble sleeping, but it’s not from the weight of Pearl; it’s from her snoring!
To see these two snoozing sisters, visit and click on “Pet of the Week.” Do you have a funny and furry friend or five? Send a picture along with a description to — Heloise
Dear Heloise: Greetings, and thanks for your column. I have a few questions for which I need more information. I am responding to Donald’s ramp ideas for dogs from a previous column.
I have a senior dog also, and I need help with her to get on my bed. I am no longer able to lift her, because I am a senior too! — Mildred D., Englewood, Ohio
Mildred, thanks for your letter. Here are answers to your questions:
1. “Who sells these ramps?” Ask your veterinarian for a reference. Many big-box pet stores have the ramps, and there are many varieties online.
2. “What are they called, in order to ask for them by name?” Pet ramp, dog ramp, dog stairs. Ramps are probably easier for the dog to negotiate; steps can be cumbersome and limiting if the dog has normal joint pain as a result of aging.
3. “Price?” Plan to pay between $50 and $200 or more, depending on quality. A high-grade ramp is an investment, but the quality is there, and it will last a long time. You’ll want a ramp that has a rough surface so the dog can get a good grip and can’t slide down. Some ramps and stairs are made of thick-density polyurethane foam, which is superior, so expect to pay more.
— Heloise
Dear Heloise: Why can’t manufacturers make 1- or 2-ounce bottles of their beauty products to be sold next to the large size so they can be tried without wasting a lot of money? — Lillian S., Sugar Land, Texas
Lillian, check out the travel-size section of the pharmacy or big retailer. The Transportation Security Administration ( has set a limit for liquids to be in containers no bigger than 3.4 ounces, so many travel or sample sizes fit in this range. I agree: A sample is always helpful to determine if you like a product. — Heloise