
Horrendous houseguest?

3 min read

Dear Readers: Today’s SOUND OFF is about houseguests who think they are entitled to do nothing. — Heloise

“Dear Heloise: When I was growing up, I was taught that as a houseguest you make your bed, fold your towels and keep your room picked up. It doesn’t hurt to volunteer to pick up a tab when dining out or to just help with the dishes after a meal.

“I guess no one told my son’s fiancée about such niceties, because while visiting us, she complained about nearly everything: While barbecuing on the outdoor grill, she gave us all a lecture on animal cruelty and why we should be vegan. Her room was a total mess, and she left wet towels on the bathroom floor. I didn’t mind when she asked to use my car, but I felt it was rude to give it back with an empty gas tank. She never lifted a finger to help with anything, but she didn’t mind asking me to do her laundry.

“Don’t people teach their children manners anymore? This young woman is 26 years old, which is old enough to know better!” — Loren in New Mexico



P.O. Box 795001

San Antonio, TX 78279-5001

Fax: 1-210-HELOISE



Dear Readers: Here are some new uses for old cellphones:

n Recycle it. Try services such as

n Donate it to a spousal abuse center, such as a battered women’s shelter (these phones are programmed to call for help).

n Give it to (these donated phones are given to soldiers to call home).

n Give it to a child to use as a toy — remove the SIM card first.

— Heloise


Dear Heloise: Since I love a grilled cheese sandwich, but I’m usually in a hurry, I put two pieces of bread in the toaster and after that place a couple of slices of cheese between the two pieces of bread and zap in a microwave for 20 to 30 seconds. There’s very little cleanup and no grease, which means fewer calories as well. — Dorothy A., Sioux Falls, S.D.


Dear Heloise: I have an opal ring that needs cleaning, but I don’t know how to clean this soft stone. Any hints for me? — Jean D., Helena, Mont.

Jean, first, determine the type of opal you have. If you have a solid opal, fill a bowl with half a cup of warm water — not hot or cold. Opals are sensitive to extremes of temperature. Add about five drops of unscented, mild detergent, and gently swish the ring around, but do not bang it against the side of the bowl. Then remove and dry with a soft, clean cloth. If you have doublet or triplet opal, do not immerse in solution or water, as this will loosen the glue and separate the pieces. Instead, dip a soft cloth in the solution and gently clean the opal.

Opals should be cleaned every two to three months to avoid accumulation of dirt and dust. — Heloise


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