Remember your manners on flights
Today’s Sound Off concerns manners on a flight:
Dear Heloise: I’ve worked as a a flight attendant on airlines for over five years, and like so many other flight attendants, I’ve noticed a decline in passengers’ manners while in flight. During this past week alone, so many of our travelers were rude, loud — and, in a couple of instances, drunk and argumentative. A couple other flight attendants and I thought we’d pass along these few hints to make a flight more pleasant for everyone:
1. Please don’t kick the seat in front of you and don’t let your children do it either. It’s annoying for the passenger in front of you.
2. Don’t take up all of the overhead storage. It’s not just there for you; it’s there for others as well.
3. Keep your children in their seats. If a child becomes disruptive or you can’t control them, we have the option of having you removed from the plane. If you disrupt a flight while it’s in the air, you might face a hefty fine or jail time.
4. Please be polite to the staff. We’re just doing our job and trying make your time with us as pleasant as possible. We don’t make the rules, and we don’t set the price of a ticket.
5. Don’t put your feet on the back of another passenger’s seat or armrest. It’s unsanitary and unwelcomed.
6. And please, for your own safety, wait until the plane comes to a complete stop after we land before standing up. — Jan, Casey and Lisa, in Atlanta
P.O. Box 795001
San Antonio, TX 78279-5001
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Looking for a bookmark to keep your place in a book? Try one of these:
n A strip of a colorful ribbon
n A business card
n A rubber band wrapped top to bottom around unread pages
n A paper clip
n A toothpick
Dear Heloise: My bathroom counter was always so messy with hair and makeup products all over the place. Finally, I bought an over-the-door, hanging shoe storage, and it works perfectly as a place to store my shampoos, conditioners, hair dryer and curling iron. I put all my lotions in the pockets designed to hold shoes, and it keeps my bathroom countertop clean and clutter-free. — Heather L., Toledo, Ohio
Heather, I use a hanging shoe storage when I travel because it’s so handy to keep everything together and out of the way. It’s also helped me to remember to take shampoo and conditioner. I used to accidently leave those two products behind in the shower when I traveled. They were out of sight and out of mind, but not anymore. — Heloise
Dear Readers: I’ve always planted marigolds in my vegetable garden to help drive away snails and slugs. Or I’d use a pie plate with beer to kill these pests.
It worked for me, but I would love to hear what you folks use to ward off pests in your gardens. There are a lot of tried and true methods to get rid of insects, but some are old wives tales that don’t work. So, tell me, what works for you? — Heloise