Fast fashion is killing the planet
Today’s Sound Off is about the sustainability of so many things that we use:
Dear Heloise: I’m nearly 80 years old and still driving since I’m still mentally alert. I’ve seen many changes in our society, but the one that worries me the most is how Americans dump usable items in the trash rather than repairing them or taking better care of those items.
Clothing is one example of this fact. There is a 66,000-ton “clothing dump pile” in the Atacama Desert in the country of Chile that can now be seen from space. These are garments that are often unsold clothes from Norht America, Asia and Europe. The clothing is often in such poor quality that it’s not worth much to the store, so it’s sent to the Atacama landfill.
There are thousands of people worldwide who could use these garments, but instead of sending them to charity shops or to underdeveloped countries where clothing is needed, retailers and manufacturers send them to be disposed of in the ever-growing pile of clothes. The world needs to stop this practice — and the sooner they do, the better.
When I was growing up, we were taught that it is better to have one garment of quality rather than five poorly made, trendy or faddish pieces of clothing. The little black dress was a staple in every woman’s closet, and many of us loved classic styles that lasted many years. Usually, those garments were eventually given to a secondhand shop.
Now, designers seem to dictate to us that every year, we need to buy more clothes that will go out of style the following year. I think it’s time we all rebelled against this idea. Why should I enrich a corporation at the expense of the planet? If a designer (a total stranger) says a style is “out,” why should I toss out an article of clothing I enjoy wearing?
We all live on one planet, and any wishful form of colonization of the moon or Mars might never happen. But even if it does happen, why trash this Earth of ours? At least for now, it’s our home. Let’s all take care of it. — Samantha Y., Scottsdale, Arizona
P.O. Box 795001
San Antonio, TX 78279-5001
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Got an old tin pie plate you don’t use anymore? Here are some suggestions:
n Use it as a water dish for birds outside.
n Sprinkle seeds in it for feeding birds and squirrels.
n Are you an artist or a painter? Use it as a paint tray the next time you paint a picture.
n Let your kids paint it as a decoration in their room or as a gift to their grandparents.
Dear Heloise: I took your suggestion of adopting a senior dog, and I’m so glad I did. I found a dog at an animal shelter that had been left there by a woman who could no longer take care of him because she was going into assisted living. He has been such a joy to have. He’s housebroken and very friendly. He also expanded my social circle, since I’ve met new people while walking him around my neighborhood.
I know I’ll outlive him, but I’ll make the final years of his life as comfortable and happy as I possibly can. Thanks for the answer to my loneliness. — Joan F., Little Rock, Arkansas