
Reusing old cards for note-taking

4 min read

Dear Heloise: Remember when we used to have a little card file with handwritten recipes? I still have a ton of these unused recipe cards on hand. I now keep them by my computer desk to use for jotting down notes about websites, craft ideas, notes to myself, etc. It;s better than tossing these cards into the trash. — Maddy, in Vermont


Dear Heloise: I read your recent column about having a current photo of your kids in your phone in case of separation at a mall or park. I would like to add to this hint: Take full-length photos of your kids as you leave your home. This way, a parent does not have to recall exactly what their kids are wearing and can give the authorities an accurate description! Thanks. — Beth, in California


Dear Heloise: If you are having problems like Brenda, in Norman, Oklahoma, with your computer freezing and a scammer asking for your information, it’s because you have downloaded malware.

Be careful of what you click on. Avoid clicking on links in emails, no matter who they are from. Install a good malware blocker.

It’s always possible to shut down your computer, too. For a desktop, unplug it. For a laptop, hold down the power button until it closes down. — Patricia Roberts, Bellaire, Texas


Dear Heloise: For easy access to my appliance manuals, I store my them in a three-ring binder. I label the tab on a plastic pocket divider and slide the manual right into the pocket. — Barbara G., Houston


Dear Heloise: I wanted to respond to Glenda F., who discussed locking herself out of her house. While hiding a key under a stone might seem OK at first, most criminals know where to look.

I suggest she get a keypad door lock (easy to install and program), and that should solve her problem. She can also program her keypad to accept more than one code. — Cat Steinhauer, via email


Dear Readers: When you are cooking cabbage and it stinks up the kitchen, you can easily eliminate this awful odor by adding vinegar to the water.

Eager to know what other uses vinegar has around the home? Then you must get a copy of my pamphlet “Heloise’s Fantabulous Vinegar Hints and More!” To order a pamphlet, go to You can also get this handy pamphlet by sending $5 and a long, self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Heloise/Vinegar, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX, 78279-5001. — Heloise


Dear Heloise: I enjoy reading your tips in the Omaha World Herald. I have an organizing idea to share: I’m involved with several organizations where I need to contact people, but don’t necessarily know them well. So I found a way that helps me organize them in my contacts on my cellphone and computer.

I put the name (or acronym) for the organization first, then their name. That way, I can search for them by organization, such as “BHS: Ann Smith.” It saves me time in trying to remember a name; it’s also easier to create an email group. — B.H., in Nebraska

Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001, or you can fax it to 1-210-HELOISE or email it to I can’t answer your letter personally but will use the best hints received in my column.


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