Tried-and-true recipes
Dear Heloise: I’m starting a new life on my own for the first time in 40 years. I used to make all the standard things for meals that my husband liked, but now I intend to cook just for me. I’m tired of all the things I made for lunch/dinner/dessert in the past, and I want to try something different.
A friend of mine said that she had ordered a few pamphlets from you and loves the recipes inside. So, I thought I might give that a try. What pamphlets would you recommend for a suddenly single lady who enjoys cooking? — Grace A., Savannah, Ga.
Grace, since you want to try some new recipes, here are four pamphlets to start you off:
1. Heloise’s All-Time Favorite Recipes: $5
2. Heloise’s Main Dishes: $3
3. Heloise’s Spectacular Soups: $5
4. Heloise’s Cake Recipes: $3
Send in your request to: Heloise/(name of pamphlet), P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5001. Be sure to also send a stamped, self-addressed, long envelope along with the fee.
It’s always fun to try new recipes, and now that you’re cooking just for yourself (and maybe a few special friends), you can adjust the recipes to suit your taste buds. With colder weather and celebrations just around the corner, many of these recipes will be perfect to serve to guests at holiday dinners. Bon appetit! — Heloise
P.O. Box 795001
San Antonio, TX 78279-5001
Fax: 1-210-HELOISE
Dear Heloise: I love kohlrabi! My in-laws serve it frequently, usually mashed up with potatoes or in a stir-fry.
As much as I love eating this vegetable, I have trouble finding it in restaurants or even at my local grocery store. Why is it so difficult to find kohlrabi? — Susan G., Bridgeport, W.Va.
Susan, that’s a good question! I like kohlrabi, too, whether it’s green or purple. It has a flavor somewhere between broccoli and cabbage, but seems to be slightly sweeter. The bulb grows above ground, and you can eat the leaves as well as the bulb and stems. It’s actually a very versatile vegetable; kohlrabi can be eaten raw, often with a dip, or enjoyed in a salad baked with a little butter, fried or roasted. Be sure to peel the bulb before you eat it.
Always select kohlrabi that feels heavy when you hold it. Its leaves should not be wilted or brown. You can store it in the refrigerator unpeeled for a week. — Heloise
Dear Heloise: I don’t like to use abrasive cleaners on my porcelain sinks in the kitchen or bathroom. Instead, I fill the sink with water and pour in 1 cup of bleach about once every month. I let it stand for about 30 minutes, then drain the sink. It disinfects my sink and keeps it sparkling white! — Jean D., Royal Oak, Mich.
Dear Heloise: When Thanksgiving comes around, I like to set a table for the adults and a table for the children. Before dinner, as a way to keep kids occupied, I give them legal-size paper and felt pens. I then ask them to draw a Thanksgiving picture.
Once they’re done, I use that as their placemats. They really enjoy that part of the day! — Agnes T., Ponca City, Okla.