Paving contract awarded
SOUTH CONNELLSVILLE – A Scottdale company will complete the borough’s upcoming paving project as the lowest of six bidders. Kendi Enterprises Inc. bid $22,515, or $34.27 per ton, for 657 tons needed to complete the project.
While Kendi was the lowest bidder for the project, Councilman Fred Bates made a motion to hire A.C. Moyer Co. of Lemont Furnace as the second lowest bidder at $24,900, or $37.90 per ton, since the company has done quality work for the borough in the past. Bates’ motion died for lack of a second.
After more discussion on the issue, Councilman Bill Copeland moved to hire Kendi, with council members Debbie Striner, Mark Ward, Bates and Guy Napolillo all voting yes. Council members Don Clark and Michelle Mattis were absent from the meeting.
Under the contract, Kendi will have 60 days to complete the project. The four streets and four alleys that will be paved include Birch, Wine, Searson, Dushane, Lynn, Walsky, Lingenfield and Clark.
In an unrelated matter, council agreed to apply for a $38,000 grant to buy a backhoe and boom mower to replace the existing mower, for which the borough can no longer obtain parts. The grant is awarded through the state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED).
In another grant issue, council agreed to table its decision until further review on whether to spend remaining grant money from the DCED to resurface the borough’s tennis and basketball courts.
According to Ward, the borough received two estimates for the repairs, but council was not sure of the amount of work needed to repair the two surfaces. Ward released no figures on the estimates.