Fayette delinquent-tax sale postponed
The Fayette County commissioners postponed the annual tax claim sale from Sept. 16 until Oct. 28 – a move that’s become tradition in order to give delinquent taxpayers another month to make payment arrangements. The commissioners also agreed at Thursday’s meeting to add Ohiopyle borough to the county planning and zoning department, a move carried out at the small mountain borough’s request.
They also approved a pay plan for the county Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program and its service providers for 2002-03 that calls for a 3 percent general increase, according to commission chairman Vincent A. Vicites.
Also in the salary arena, the commissioners unanimously approved a job classification and pay study, retroactive to Jan. 1, for county management and non-union employees. That motion included language that the county embark on a longevity pay plan for those same employees, to go into effect Jan. 1, 2003.
The commissioners also awarded a $45,200 contract to Zelenkofske Axelrod, LLC, of Harrisburg to perform the county’s single audit for calendar year 2001. The firm was the lowest responsible bidder for the job.
Proposed pay raises for law librarian Elida Micklo and judicial law clerk Sandra Greer were tabled at the suggestion of Vicites, who wanted more time to have the matter examined by county personnel consultant Felice Associates.
After a little bantering, the commissioners approved a rezoning on North Union Township property owned by Rance L. Martin, who wanted a change from medium density residential to general business. They granted the rezoning for 500 feet of his property, up from the 400 feet recommended by the county planning office as a compromise in the matter.
The commissioners also denied a rezoning request from Audrey Byers and Greg Smith of Menallen Township. Nehls said they wanted an entire tract rezoned just to put up a small sign.
By a 2-1 vote, with Nehls dissenting, the commissioners denied a rezoning request from Donald F. Inks and Thomas J. Yezbak of North Union Township. They had wanted an extension of heavy industrial zoning onto property zoned for general business.
Cavanagh noted that the three North Union Township supervisors had signed a letter opposing the request, which was also opposed by various neighbors.
Nehls said he supported the request because it would benefit an existing business.
The commissioners unanimously approved a rezoning from agricultural/rural to general business for Stoney and Wendell Leighty of Saltlick Township.
The commissioners also took the following personnel actions:
– Accepted the resignation of custodial worker Edward Arendas, and hired Joseph Jacobs, Colleen Sutherland and LaVerne Lewis as custodial workers at $6.51 per hour.
– Transferred Melvin Copney from custodial worker I to maintenance worker I, at $7.19 per hour.
– Hired Charles Loring as ferryboat pilot at $9.44 per hour.
– Granted family medical leave to tax assessor Candy McCahill, effective Aug. 5.
– Hired Jill Rush as a Human Services program specialist/administrative assistant at $8.32 per hour.
– Granted medical leave to MH/MR employee Barbara Rush, effective June 28.
– Promoted Kimberly Bowser-Murtha from MH/MR psychological services associate I to program specialist 2 at $18.13 per hour.
– Hired Phyllis Harkless as a MH/MR county caseworker at $11.63 per hour.
– Reinstated Beth Carolla as a MH/MR nurse supervisor at $20.30 per hour.
– Accepted the resignation of Matt Schiffbauer, planning/zoning technician I.