Church briefs
Today through Christmas ABUNDANT LIFE CHURCH, located at South Union Fire Hall near the corner of Lebanon Avenue and South Mount Vernon Avenue, Uniontown, worships at 10:45 a.m. Sunday when Pastor Nicholas J. Cook will deliver the sermon “A Christmas Message.’ Guest vocalists Wanda and Kevin O’Brien will provide special music. Refreshments will be served at 10:25 a.m.
ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH, Edenborn, is having a praise and worship service at 3 p.m. Sunday. Speaker will be the Rev. Garry McFadden, pastor of the House of Prayer in Smock. Mary Springer is chairwoman. The Rev. Solomon Dotson is pastor.
ASBURY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, corner of Beeson Avenue and Dunbar Street in Uniontown, will celebrate the third Sunday of Advent at 9 a.m. worship with the lighting of three candles in the Advent wreath. This more casual service features praise choruses and hymns led by the Rev. James Fogg, accompanied by Jim Hutchinson, and Rev. Fogg’s message “A Voice in the Darkness.’ The 11 a.m. worship service will include Rev. Fogg’s message, lighting of the Advent wreath and special music by the Asbury Chancel Choir, directed by William Dreucci, and Hutchinson. Bibles will be presented to the third grade students who have completed instruction in using their Bibles from Sarah Smith. Loving Nursery Care is available for infants and children under 4. Children’s church is available for all children age 4 and older. The Asbury United Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet at the church at 3 p.m. for a progressive dinner and caroling to shut-ins.
BROWNSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHARGE announces the Brownsville United Methodist Charge Christmas Cantata and Congregational Christmas Dinner will be held Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Brownsville First United Methodist Church, 215 Church St., Browns-ville. On Monday, trustees meet at First Church at 6:30 p.m. and the administrative council meets at First Church at 7 p.m. Wednesday at 10:30 a.m. Small Groups meet at South Church.
There is a Christmas Eve service at 7 p.m. at West Bend and at 9 p.m. at South Church. For more information about any of the Browns-ville charge churches, phone the charge office at 724-785-8704.
CALVARY UNITED METH-ODIST CHURCH, located at Clark Street and Collins Avenue, Uniontown, will have a praise service on Saturday at 5:30 p.m. Mountain Praise will lead worship. The children of Calvary will meet at 3 p.m., prior to the praise service.
Sunday worship at 9:30 a.m. will feature all of Calvary’s Sunday school children in a Yuletide play entitled “Christmas Dreamin’.’ The congregation is reminded and encouraged to bring mittens for the mitten tree. A fully staffed babyland and nursery are available. Wesley Class will hold its Christmas party immediately after church school. The youths will meet at 4:30 p.m. to go Christmas caroling, followed by a Christmas party.
CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF UNIONTOWN, 23 S. Gallatin Ave., on Saturday will have its Saturday Night Central Service, which is a contemporary prayer and praise style worship service, at 6 p.m. Special guest will be Greg Quarrick and his praise team.
On the third Sunday of Advent, the Rev. Art Mace, interim minister, will deliver the sermon “One Giant Leap’ at the 10:30 a.m. worship service. Lighting the Advent candle will be the Ganoe Family and special guest singer will be Carolyn Price.
At 9 a.m. Sunday, there is a New Testament study class led by Rev. Mace that is open to everyone. The church’s annual family Christmas party will be held following the morning service.
Nursery and preschool care are available during Sunday morning worship, which can also be seen Sunday at 5 p.m. on cable television channel 21. At 9 a.m. Sunday, there is a New Testament study class, led by Rev. Mace. For more information, phone 724-438-6821.
CHERRY TREE ALLIANCE CHURCH, 640 Cherry Tree Lane, Uniontown, across from Uniontown Wal-Mart, worships Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., when the Rev. Jack Herman will give the sermon “The Seven Secrets of the Magi.’ The praise team will lead the 8:30 a.m. service while Patricia Miller and Ed Fearer will be instrumentalists at the 10:45 a.m. service.
Also on Sunday at 6:30 p.m., a special Christmas cantata entitled “Meet Him at the Manger’ will be performed by the Cherry Tree Alliance Church Adult Choir, combined with the Masontown Ecumenical Choir.The choir of approximately 45 voices is directed by Juanita Cramer and features soloists Jenna Smalley and Wade Kennedy. Narrator is Mike Stange. The children will participate in Kids on a Mission program and teen-agers have their own contemporary Power Jam service in fellowship hall. For more information, phone the church at 724-437-6850.
On Sunday, Dec. 22, the combined choirs will present the cantata at Oak Hill Baptist Church, Old Frame, at 7 p.m. Soloists for this performance will be Jenna Smalley and Melvyn Bowers with Louis Diamond as narrator. For more information, phone 724-583-9245.
CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Uniontown, announces the Leland Class on Sunday is broadcast on WMBS Radio at 10:10 a.m. On the third Sunday of Advent, the church will light the candle of joy on the Advent wreath and sing Christmas carols. The Rev. Kenneth E. Jones will share the message “Coming & Going.’ The senior choir will sing, directed by organist Carol Atwood. This is the last Sunday to place Christmas cards in bags for the shut-in or recuperating.
On Monday, the bi-weekly study Bad Boys of the Bible will continue at noon at the home of Betty Guthrie. At 6 p.m. Christ Church along with other local United Methodist churches, will lead DISCIPLE Bible study at the Fayette County Jail Annex. At 7:30 p.m., Barbershoppers will rehearse in the church basement. On Tuesday, Rev. Jones will help officiate at the Connellsville Cluster Conference at Wesley United Methodist Church in Connellsville at 7:30 p.m. Kids’ Morning Out, the preschool ministry, takes place Wednesday and Friday at 9:30 a.m. On Thursday, the clergy book study of Desmond Tutu, “No Future Without Forgiveness’, takes place at 9 a.m. at Centerville United Methodist Church and the senior choir rehearses in the Leland Class at 7 p.m.
CHURCH OF THE INNER COURT, Ferguson Road, Mount Braddock, announces the Rev. Bill Snyder will speak at Sunday’s 10 a.m. service. Rev. Snyder graduated from Central Bible College in Springfield, Mo., in May 1980. He and his wife, Wendy, have been in full-time ministry for 22 years and have ministered in various capacities of the church from associate pastor, youth pastor, senior pastor and was the campus pastor at Oklahoma State University for six year. The Snyders were recently appointed national home missionaries with the Assemblies of God, filling the position of national recruiter for Chi Alpha (AG College Ministries). Rev. Snyder travels to various Bible campuses around the United States and recruits seniors to become campus pastors on secular college campuses. After recruiting the student, he must get them placed in an internship program that trains them to be campus pastors, after the one year internship program is complete, he then helps match them to a college campus that needs a campus pastor. Note: the Church of the Inner Court has moved to a new location on Ferguson Road in Mount Braddock, the former Pillar of Fire Church. For more information, phone the Revs. Moe and Janet Moreland at 724-725-7939.
CLARKSVILLE AND MILLSBORO CHURCHES welcomes guest the Rev. Andrew Slade to lead worship at 9 a.m. at the Pleasant Valley Presbyterian Church, Market Street, Clarksville, and at 10:30 a.m. at the Millsboro Presbyterian Church, Mill Street.
CONFLUENCE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE, Yough and Sterner streets, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. The Rev. Ron Schaeffer’s sermon is “No Room for Jesus.’ The story of Fanny Crosby, a blind songwriter, will be shown in the 7 p.m. Sunday service. The teen-age youth group also meets at 7 p.m. On Wednesday, there will be a Bible study and prayer service.
FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD, 690 Morgantown Road, Uniontown, worships Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m., when the Rev. Donald J. Immel preaches a sermon entitled “The Way of the Wise Men.’ At 6:30 p.m., Rev. Immel preaches “Merry Christmas.’ A well-staffed nursery is available during all services. Transportation is available by calling the Rev. Jason Lamer at 724-437-8101. Images of a Perfect Christmas will be held Dec. 20-22 at 7 p.m.
FAITH FELLOWSHIP CHURCH, Oliver Road, Uniontown, hosts gospel music night on Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. Groups appearing include Lavona, Larry Walker and Free Spirit. For further information, phone Choz’n 1’z at 724-564-5738 or 724-569-0339 or Faith Fellowship Church at 724-439-2450.
On Sunday at 11 a.m. worship, Free Spirit and Choz’n 1’s will provide gospel music. Children’s church and puppet ministry will be Thursday at 6 p.m. For more information or transportation, phone the church at 724-439-2450 or e-mail the Rev. Gerald Capan at or the Web site at FORMINISTRY.COM/15401FFC.
FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST), OF REPUBLIC, announces the Rev. Norman Hunt will lead worship during the 10:55 a.m. Sunday worship service. The fourth Advent candle will lit by Travis Toinai and Dominique Ballone. The children and youths of the congregation will present the program “Go Tell It On the Mountain’ during the service directed by Rita Ballone and Donna Johnson. The acolyte is Jared Gibson. The congregation will be greeted by Anna Stump and Linda Sparks. Christmas flower orders are due Sunday. The C.M.F. Ministry will meet Monday at 6 p.m. for their monthly dinner meeting. The general board of the church will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. The church-sponsored food bank will be open Friday morning in the Mariam Anthony Fellowship Hall. For more information, phone the church at 724-246-9387.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, located at Fourth and Liberty streets, California, announces the Rev. Michael O’Brannon will give the sermon “The Reborn’ at Sunday’s 10 a.m. worship service. The Advent wreath ceremony will continue with Deacon Nanette Bodnar and her daughters Hannah and Mercedes. Nursery care is available every Sunday. Elder Richard Kara and his wife, Deacon Marlene Kara, will host coffee hour. Cherie Sears will be the Sunday school teacher. The choir, directed by Elder Edie Ske-kel and accompanied by organist Carolyn Davis, will perform. The Daisytown Presbyterian Church will hold its service at 11:45 a.m.
The church announces on Sunday, Dec. 22, the Sunday school children will present a Christmas playlet, directed by Sunday school teacher Cherie Sears. On Christmas Eve, the church will hold its annual candlelight Christmas Eve service at 7:30 p.m. Luminarias lighting the walk leading up to the church will be placed by the youth group, led by Hayley and Tim O’Connor. Elder Richard Kara will preach and the last hymn “Silent Night’ will be sung at candlelight. Afterwards, a cup of Christmas cheer will be offered to all attendees by the deacons. On Sunday, Dec. 29, the church will hold its annual Christmas hymn sing and Elder Richard Kara will preside. The Daisytown Presbyterian Church will hold its service at 11:45 a.m. For more information about First Presbyterian, phone the church at 724-938-7676.
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 114 W. Church St., Fairchance, worships Sunday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Dr. Joey Hickok who will give the sermon “Mary Did You Know? (That You Were a Revolutionary). Jason Kendall will provide special music. Monday is a session meeting at Fairchance Church. Tuesday is men’s dartball when Fairchance will host Faith Assembly of God. Wednesday at 6 p.m. participants will assemble at the church for caroling. Birthday: Jessica DuBois, Dec. 16. Nursery accommodations are available; ask an usher. For more information on First Presbyterian, phone the church office at 724-564-2042 or e-mail at
FORT BURD UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BROWNS-VILLE, located next to Brownsville General Hospital, will have a special Blue Christmas worship service on Saturday at 7 p.m.
Officials said, “This service acknowledges the pain and sadness many people experience at Christmas time. It is also a time to recognize we are not alone in our grief and loneliness. This worship time recognizes these emotions and at the same time offers hope and comfort. This Blue Christmas service is open to the public and everyone is welcome.’
The congregation worships Sunday at 11 a.m. with Lee Slick and Mary Kay Prosser leading the congregation in the lighting of the Advent candles. The bulletins are given in memory of John and Agnes Gue by their daughter Charma Liston and family. The adult choir will sing, directed by Thomas Rishel. Worship will include a special time for youths. There is a staffed nursery for preschool-aged children, sponsored by the deacons. The monthly special offering for the Brownsville Soup Kitchen will be received this Sunday. Choir practice will take place following worship. The Odds & Ends Circle will meet Wednesday at 6 p.m. at the home of Joyce Smith. For more information, phone the church at 724-785-3080.
GARWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH, Route 481, Scenic Drive near Daisytown, announces the Garwood Baptist Adult Choir will present the cantata “Night of Wonder,’ directed by Enid Porter on Sunday, Dec. 15, at the 11 a.m. worship hour. The choir members include: Karen Burns, Lorna Chipps, Darla Davis, Karen Dickinson, Joy Folle, Ellen Ford, Kathy Franks, Susan Hock, Karen Keys, Janet Snyder, Bev Baringer, Rachel Cardinale, Linda Knezovich, Denise Reynolds, Claudia Yarbrough, Alex Antono-vich, Charles Elias, Bob Franks, Steve Knezovich, Tom Lee, Gary Porter, Evan Reynonlds and Herschel Sargent. Sound technician is Gary Porter I. Narrators are Robert and Bob Pepper. Accompaniment will be provided by Linda Knezovich and Sandy Davidson. For more information, phone 724-938-7431.
GRACE BRETHREN CHURCH, 2 Grace Lane, off Derrick Avenue, Uniontown, announces the Rev. Nick Philiposian will bring the message “Joy to You and Me” at Sunday’s 10:30 a.m. worship service. Kathy Opel and Mabel Yauger will perform special music.
The church will have a special Christmas Eve service at 7 p.m., during which the Christmas story will be told through Scripture and song. A Watch Night service will be held New Year’s Eve, beginning at 9 p.m. with the showing of the Billy Graham movie “The Climb.’ For more information, phone the office at 724-437-3401.
“GRACE FAMILY CHRISTMAS’ Jeff and Lori (Metsger) Smith of Metamora, Ill., formerly of Connellsville, will again participate in the national Christmas special “A Grace Family Christmas,’ presented by the Grace Presbyterian Church in Peoria, Ill. This special concert is performed every year under the direction of Dr. Alan Miller and features vocalists who include a 150-voice choir, a teen choir, children’s choirs and a 50-piece orchestra. The music ranges from traditional to contemporary to Southern gospel Christmas songs. The concert will be aired in the Connellsville area on Christmas Day at 9 a.m. on WPCB, Cornerstone Television, Channel 40, and also on Channel 47 in Altoona and Channel 11 in the Greensburg area. Smith is a senior development engineer with Catepillar Inc. of Peoria, and Mrs. Smith is a homemaker. They have two daughters, Mich-aela, 3, and Larissa, 1. Smith is the son of Roger and Cyndy Smith of Dunbar. Mrs. Smith is the daughter of Larry and Shirley Metsger of Connellsville. This is the seventh year the Smiths have participated in “A Grace Family Christmas.’
GREAT BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, 47 W. Fayette St., Uniontown, worships Sunday at 11 a.m. with the Rev. Mike Hall bringing the message. Calling the church at 724-437-6161 provides transportation and a nursery.
On Tuesday, there will be dartball at 7:30 p.m. with the Salvation Army at Great Bethel. Wednesday’s schedule is Bible study at 10:30 a.m., family supper at 5:30 p.m., Bible study at 6:30 p.m., Christmas musical at 6:30 p.m. and choir at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 21, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. is dress rehearsal for Christmas musical.
The church will perform the Christmas musical “Not a Creature Was Stirring’ on Sunday, Dec. 22, at 11 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Directed by Ken Keeling, choral director at Great Bethel and professor of music at Carnegie Mellon University, the musical features many talented artists from the church. With lively music and humorous drama, the play presents the Christmas story from the perspective of church mice and their feline friends. Both performances are free. For more information, phone 724-437-6161.
HOPEWELL UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 400 Hopewell Road, Brownsville, worships at 11 a.m., when the third Advent candle to be lit represents love. The reading “The Voice of God’ from the book “From the Grip of Grace’ by Max Lucado will be presented. The Rev. Gail E. Mason’s sermon is “New Life in Christ.’ Janet Adamovich is guest organist.
JACOB’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, located off Routes 21 and 166 (follow signs from the Marathon service station), Masontown, celebrates Holy Communion at Sunday’s 9 a.m. worship service. A full liturgical service is included. The church telephone number is 724-583-9040 and the e-mail address is
MALDEN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP (FULL GOSPEL-NON DENOMINATIONAL), located three miles west of West Browns-ville on Old Route 40 at Malden, worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. with the children singing Christmas music. Bible study is Wednesday at 7 p.m. The Rev. David White is pastor. For more information, phone 724-785-4280.
MASONTOWN UNITED METH-ODIST CHURCH, 120 S. Main St., will host a drive-through Nativity on Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. at the end of the parking lot of the German-Masontown Park. It will feature live actors portraying the Holy Family when Jesus was born. There will also be live animals, warm drinks for guests who drive through, music and a gift of a candy cane. For more information, phone 724-583-9207.
MCCLELLANDTOWN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Route 21, Church Hill announces Elder Mary Ann Saluga, a retired schoolteacher and an active member of the church, will lead the 9:30 a.m. worship service Sunday. Youth fellowship will present a play called “A Candy Cane at Christmas,’ directed by Linda Bork and Saluga. Michael and Linda Bork are youth leaders. Saluga will have “A Time for Children” and the third Advent candle will be lit by an acolyte. The adult choir will present an Advent anthem. Christmas poinsettias can be ordered for $6.75 each from Tim Christopher at 724-737-6626. Christmas cards to the exchange may be brought to the church until Dec. 22.
MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH, Newell, will have its Christmas party in the church basement on Saturday at 6 p.m. Participants are asked to bring a covered dish. Sunday worship is at 10 a.m. Wednesday Bible study-/prayer meeting is at 7 p.m. Dec. 31 at 9 p.m., the Morning Star Caf? Coffeehouse will hold its New Year’s Eve Party with gospel music and food. For more information, contact the Rev. Mitch Wall at 724-938-2712.
MOUNT MACRINA MANOR, Route 40, west of Uniontown, will offer a live Nativity this Sunday from 5 to 7 p.m.
NEW GENEVA BAPTIST CHURCH, Front Street, announces Marcellus Evans will present special music at Sunday’s 9:30 a.m. service. The Advent Candle of Peace will be lit and the Rev. Robert J. Robinson will deliver the message “The Prince of Peace.’ Children’s Christmas practice is Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. A candlelight Christmas Eve service will be celebrated at 6 p.m.
PLEASANT VIEW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, located two miles west of Smock at the intersection of the Pleasant View and Royal roads, will observe the third Sunday of Advent at 11 a.m. worship when the Rev. Keith Conover preaches the sermon “Skipping Christmas.’ The third candle on the congregation’s Advent wreath will be lit by Izetta McGill and Brandi Adams. Special music will be provided by the adult vocal choir, directed by Elaine Thomas. Sandra Leichliter will serve as organist. Greeters will be Joe and Mary Peroni, Ellen Skergan and Evelyn Herring. Acolytes for December are Brooke Liptak and Megan Marks. An adult-supervised nursery is provided for preschool children during worship.
PVPC’s Sunday school is sponsoring Advent workshops each Sunday through Dec. 22 from 9:45 to 10:40 a.m. The first week, participants made Advent wreaths. Now, they will make Christian tree ornaments. All ages are welcome. Parents are encouraged to join their children. No special skills or previous experience is necessary.
ROSCOE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 300 Main St., will celebrate the third Sunday of Advent at the 11 a.m. worship, when the chancel choir will sing, directed by Mary Catherine Schmidt. Betty Ermlick is organist. Four youths will lead the Advent candle wreath lighting service. The focus is “Wise Men Still Seek Him.’ The Rev. Dr. John Rankin will continue in the same vein with his sermon “Gifts.’ Church elder Penny Stanick will present one of the series of stories about the upcoming Christmas joy offering to be received on Christmas Sunday and Christmas Eve. This offering received throughout the Presbyterian Church USA helps low-income, retired church pastors, workers and pastors’ widows. It also helps support the education of ethnic and minority students. On Thursday, the church Session will meet in fellowship hall at 7 p.m.
ST. GEORGE MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH, 6 Lebanon Terrace, Uniontown, is announcing its holiday schedule: Traditional Christmas novena will be held Sunday through Monday, Dec. 23, at 7:15 p.m. On Saturday, Dec. 21, the novena will follow the 5 p.m. liturgy. Confessions at St. George are Saturday from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m., Sundays Dec. 15/22 from 10 to 10:20 a.m., and parish Saturday, Dec. 21 from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. Area confession at other parishes are St. John Roman Catholic, Saturday at 1 p.m., St. Joan of Arc, Sunday at 3 p.m.; St. Therese, Dec. 16 at 7 p.m., St. Joseph, Dec. 17 at 7 p.m.
On Sunday at 10 a.m., MCF/MYO members will present “Six Stations of Christmas’ program. Regular 10:30 a.m. liturgy will be followed by the ladies’ guild Christmas breakfast and MCF party.
Christmas Eve, Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 5:30 p.m. is live Nativity and program by MCF/MYO. 6 and 9 p.m. are Christmas Divine Liturgies. Christmas Day, 10:30 a.m. only Divine Liturgy. New Year’s Eve, Tuesday, Dec. 31, 5 p.m. Liturgy. New Year’s Day, Wednesday, Jan. 1, 10:30 a.m. Liturgy only. The Rev. Joseph R. David is pastor.
ST. GEORGE SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH IN CAR-MICHAELS announces the Divine Liturgy for the Feast of St. Nicholas will be served at 9 a.m. on Thursday. The Rev. Rodney Torbic is pastor.
ST. HEDWIG/ST. CECILIA ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, 771 Church St., Smock, announces an Advent retreat will be held by the partner-parishes today through Sunday with the Rev. Justin Matro, professor of mariology at St. Vincent Seminary, as retreat leader. The retreat begins today at 7 p.m. with an opening talk by Rev. Matro within the Liturgy of the Word, followed by individual confessions with four to five priests present. Rev. Matro will be homilist at all weekend Masses, will hear confessions and be available for individual spiritual direction. The closing talk will take place at 7 p.m. on Sunday at St. Cecilia Church, followed by refreshments in the church hall. Call the partner parish office at 724-677-2110.
ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST PARISH IN UNIONTOWN will present an Advent program of song and Scripture on Sunday at 7 p.m. in conjunction with the parish family’s preparation for the Christmas Holy Day. Special light on of several stained glass windows will help to focus on the Advent readings and music to be presented. Refreshments and fellowship will follow.
ST. PAUL’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 71 N. Gallatin Ave., Uniontown, will celebrate the third Sunday of Advent with the distribution of Holy Communion at the 10:45 a.m. worship service with the Rev. Paul N. Frank Jr. delivering the sermon “Room for Christ.’ For more information, call 724-437-9000 or e-mail at or visit the Web site at
ST. PETER’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 60 Morgantown St., Uniontown, will celebrate the third Sunday of Advent with the Holy Eucharist on Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8 and 10:30 am. Serving as chalice bearers and lectors will be David Hoover, Thomas Waggoner and Lynda Waggoner. Crucifer and acolytes are Christian Evans, Jacqui Taylor and Lindsey Rose. Adults, teen-agers and children will go Christmas caroling from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday. Bible study is held at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday in the parish house. The Holy Eucharist and healing service is at noon on Wednesday. The fellowship group meets at 7 p.m. in the parish house on Wednesday. The Rev. Thomas R. Finnie is rector. For further information, phone 724-438-7731.
SALVATION ARMY CHURCH, 32 W. Fayette St., Uniontown, worships Sunday at 10:45 a.m. with a period of contemporary praise and worship. Capt. John Riley will speak on “Joy Unleashed.’ Officials said, “Worship with us this Sunday.’
SPRINGHILL FURNACE CHURCH, 2459 Springhill Furnace Road, Lake Lynn, worships Sunday at 9:30 a.m. with the Rev. Dr. Joey Hickok, who will give the sermon “Mary Did You Know? (That You Were a Revolutionary). Monday is a Session meeting at Fairchance Church. Tuesday is men’s dartball, when Fairchance will host Faith Assembly of God. For more information, phone 724-564-2042 or e-mail
TENT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Route 119, south of Uniontown, will celebrate the third Sunday of Advent at 9:30 a.m. worship. The Rev. Robert Ford will bring the message “Sent Ahead.’ Birthday celebrants are James Aaron Lawless, George Benward, Gloria Kovalic, Christian Josiah Priel, Ashley Burd and Hope Ainsley.
THIRD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, 425 Union St., (at Craig Meadows) Uniontown, announces the Rev. William Rodahaver will give the sermon “If Jesus Had Not Come’ at Sunday’s worship service. Alpha leadership training is Tuesday at 7 p.m. Marquis House program is Tuesday at 1 p.m. Session meeting is Wednesday at 7 p.m. and deacon meeting is Wednesday at 7 p.m. The church asks the congregation to keep the Rev. James Tweardy, pastor, in their prayers and thoughts. For more information, contact the church office at 724-438-2529.
TRAVEL WITH JESUS, Union Station Building in Brownsville, meets today from 8 to 11 p.m. for Bible sharing; Holy Communion and prayer for revival of Browns-ville. There is Bible sharing Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Travel With Jesus offers food, clothing and prayer Monday through Friday from noon to 5 p.m. For more information, call Brother Rich Wilson at 724-434-1149.
TRINITY UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, corner of Morgantown and West Fayette streets, Uniontown, will present a service of Lessons and Carols by the chancel choir and Trinity Bells handbell choir under the direction of Jason J. Keefer, music director, beginning at 10:45 a.m. Several movements of Handel’s “Messiah’ will be featured with soloists Heather Stier, mezzo-soprano; Brenna Shultz, soprano; and reader the Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kisner, interim pastor. The accompanist is Kathy Winkler and trumpeter is Jordan Winkler, both of Morgantown. A liturgical dance will be presented by dancers from the Ginny Tanner Dance Studio. The third Advent candle will be lit by Mr. Cahn’s Sunday school class. After worship, a coffee fellowship will be hosted by the Presbyterian Women in the chapel. A nursery is provided for children age 5 and younger during worship. The service is broadcast live over radio station WMBS at 11:06 a.m. For more information, phone the church office at 724-437-2709 or by checking the Web site at
TYRONE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, located between Dawson and Scottdale, just off Route 819, will go Christmas caroling on Sunday at 4 p.m. The church will hold its annual Christmas dinner on Dec. 22 at 4 p.m. with Christmas games, singing and a covered-dish dinner. A candlelight Christmas Eve service will be held at 7 p.m.
UNIONTOWN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, 20 Robinson St., worships Sunday at 10:30 a.m. when the Rev. Dr. Neil Hoppe brings the message “On Tip Toe.’ Children’s church will be offered during worship and special music will be provided by the chancel choir. The youths will continue with their banner presentation and lighting of the Advent candles. Valet parking and personal ear monitors are offered. The church is open at 8:30 a.m. for prayer and praise.
The church will also host its annual Christmas tea Sunday at 7 p.m. It is open to the public. This year’s program features the youths of the congregation in the play, “The Absolutely, Without-A-Doubt Most Fantastically Perfect Christmas Ever!’ Sandy Stein is director of the play that features Julia Hyjurick, Seth McElroy, Brian Shaffer, Chelsea Smitley, Jackie Weiss, Jared Stein, Mark Ells-worth, Brad Balsley, Bob Stein, Paula Ellsworth, Michele Means, Lauren Stein, Pam Rossini and Dick Diehl. The children choir, directed by Michele Means, will provide special music. Refreshments will follow in fellowship hall.
Bible study is Wednesday at 10 a.m. For more information, phone the office at 724-438-8372.
UNITED CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Malden Crossroads, California, will host Sweet Baby Jesus on Dec. 22 from 6 to 8 p.m. Officials said, “See the newborn king as depicted by artisans from around the wold and view a dramatic tableau of the birth of Christ. Enjoy the sounds and tastes of the season with special music and refreshments.’