Give-A-Christmas total reaches $7,747
The 2002 Give-A-Christmas total now stands at $7,747.57 thanks to the latest contributions from local residents who sent in $830 Thursday. “I’m so glad to see that total climb higher and higher,’ said Sparkle, the Christmas star. “But more people need to participate if we’re going to reach our goal of giving $40,000 to the Salvation Army. Remember our deadline is noon on Monday, Dec. 23. That’s just 10 days from now.’
Thursday’s donors came from Uniontown, Fairchance, West Brownsville, Hopwood, Dunbar, Masontown, Smithfield, Brownsville, Fairchance, McClellandtown, Masontown, Lemont Furnace, Merrittstown, Elco, Newell and South Carolina.
Local businesses participating included Fayette Tire Co. of Uniontown and Robin and Ken Gibson at Legacy Sound Contracting.
“Thanks to all of you for helping. Your donations mean a lot,’ said Sparkle.
The Christmas star also received some nice notes:
“Sparkle, Hope this donation helps you reach your goal. In memory of my mother, father, stepfather and husband. Merry Christmas,’ Gloria Holma of West Brownsville.
“Best wishes for a healthy, safe and peaceful season,’ Steve and Linda Evon of Elco.
“Merry Christmas,’ Ann and Eugene Beck of Merrittstown.
“Dear Sparkle, Keep up the good work. My husband and I would like to make this year’s donation in honor of our grandchildren Travis, Liberty, Joe, Logan and Davanna. Hope you meet your goal. Please put this in the Smithfield-Point Marion area. Thank you and Merry Christmas,’ Joyce and Joe Embacher of Smithfield.
“Sparkle, Hope you reach your goal,’ Doris B. Cromwell of Uniontown.
“Dear Sparkle, Enclosed is a check in memory of my husband, George Relic, my mother, Anna Sokol, my mother-in-law Angela Relic and my brother John Sokol. God bless everyone,’ Margaret Relic of Masontown.
“In memory of my dad Don Sampson, grandfather Elmer Stockton, grandparents Charles and Lorraine Sampson, uncle Pat Stockton, great-aunts Stella McCann, Sarah Ellsworth, Lillian Evans and great-uncle Joe Evans. Merry Christmas!’ Chris Sampson of Hopwood.
“Dear Sparkle, Praying that you are successful in reaching your goal this year. Enclosed is a gift in memory of Glenn Smiley, husband; Sandi Smiley, daughter; Denise Smiley, daughter-in-law.’ Betty Smiley of Fairchance.
“Sparkle, Hope this helps.’ Paige and Trey Vanek of Dunbar.
“Give-A-Christmas, I am sending a donation in loving memory of my father, Eli Shumar. Merry Christmas,’ Louise Dubbs of South Carolina.
“Sparkle, Wishing you a Merry Christmas for the fine job you do each your. In memory of great-great-aunt Josephine Rankin. Merry Christmas,’ Jason and Sammi Jo Eastwood of West Brownsville.
“Dear Sparkle, For years we have given in honor of our grandchildren. This year, we add our great-grandchildren John and Kaia Kennedy. We pray you make your goal.’ Bud and Betty Hunt of Uniontown.
“Dear Sparkle, Legacy Sound Contracting wishes you and those who will receive from this contribution a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.’ Robin and Ken Gibson at Legacy Sound Contracting.
Today’s contributors
Anonymous, in memory of Henry Shaffer and Lottie and Zip Lindsay, Uniontown; Eva Crapp, Uniontown; Robin and Ken Gibson at Legacy Sound Contracting, Fairchance; Bud and Betty Hunt, in honor of grandchildren and great-grandchildren John and Kaia Kennedy, Uniontown; Jason and Sammi Jo Eastwood, in memory of great-great-aunt Josephine Rankin, West Brownsville.
Louise Dubbs of South Carolina, in loving memory of father, Eli Shumar, Uniontown; Bob and Debbie Cochrane, in memory of Robert Cochrane III, Uniontown; Joseph and Irene E. Paull, Irene Paull, Hopwood; Paige and Trey Vanek, Dunbar; Frances Lilley, in honor of children Phyllis, Donnie, Holly and Hope, Masontown; Tiffany Townsend, Smithfield; Journey Myers, Brownsville.
Betty Smiley, in memory of Glenn Smiley, husband; Sandi Smiley, daughter; and Denise Smiley, daughter-in-law, Fairchance; William Malinosky, McClellandtown; Charles and Christina Corcoran, Masontown; Chris Sampson, in memory of dad, Don Sampson, grandfather Elmer Stockton, grandparents Charles and Lorraine Sampson, uncle Pat Stockton, great-aunts Stella McCann, Sarah Ellsworth, Lillian Evans and great-uncle Joe Evans, Hopwood; Margaret Relic, in memory of husband, George Relic, mother, Anna Sokol, mother-in-law Angela Relic and brother John Sokol, Masontown; Thomas and Polly Esper, Uniontown; Barbara Moore, in memory of husband, Denny Moore, Uniontown.
Doris Cromwell, Uniontown; Joyce and Joe Embacher, in honor of grandchildren Travis, Liberty, Joe, Logan and Davanna, Smithfield; Mom and Dad, Curt and Curtie, in loving memory of Donald Matthews Jr., Lemont Furnace; Ann and Eugene Beck, Merrittstown; Steve and Linda Evon, Elco; Clarence Danner Jr., Newell; Anonymous, Uniontown; Nick Mihalko, in memory of Cindy Mihalko, Brownsville; Gloria Holma, in memory of mother, father, stepfather and husband, West Brownsville; Berwyn and Lois Detweiler, Uniontown; Fayette Tire Company, in memory of Joseph and Anna Marcinko, Uniontown; Ken and Dorothy Marcinko, in memory of Joseph and Mary Duritsa, Uniontown.