Give-A-Christmas total hits $8,472
Today’s contributors Nicole and Luke Coughenour from New Hampshire; William Stone Cossick Sr. and William Stone Cossick Jr. Uniontown, in loving memory of dear departed ones and in honor of everyone who knows the true meaning of Christmas; His Family, Uniontown, in memory of Fred Sturm; Well-Doers of Hopewell Presbyterian Church, Merrittstown; Helen Grubb, Uniontown; Palma Pontorero of Painesville, Ohio, in memory of Paul and Dora Pontorero; Ralph A. Martin of Apopka, Fla.; Mark and Karen White, Indian Head; Julie Joseph, Uniontown, in appreciation to everyone who took care of her during recent hospitalization at Uniontown Hospital – especially Dr. Taghizadeh, Uniontown Anesthesia, operating room PACU and SDS staff, plus fourth floor staff, lab and all other staff taking care of her; Debbie Kitta, Norm Wible, Bobby and Nicole Kitta, Uniontown, in memory of Jesse J. Arnold Jr., William Wible, Amber Dawn Wellington and “best friend” Rita Christopher.