Community calendar – July 26
POINT MARION FIRE DEPARTMENT will hold an American Red Cross blood drive from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. SMOCK HOMECOMING will be held Sunday at the Smock Volunteer Fire Department social hall. The Ladies Auxiliary will hold a dinner from noon to 3 p.m. Chicken or fish dinners are $5 each.
GANS-CRYSTAL COMMUNITY will hold its 25th annual picnic on Aug. 4 at 1 p.m. at the residence of Dave and Joan Miller, Gans. Music, food and games will be featured.
POLICY – Items for this daily column must be mailed to Community Calendar, Herald-Standard, 8-18 E. Church St., Uniontown, Pa. 15401 at least one week prior to desired publication date. A telephone number must be included. For more information, call 724-439-7565.